| Table of contents Invest. educ. enferm vol.36 no.2 Medellín May/Aug. 2018 Editorial | | | | · Formation in Social Responsibility of Nursing Professionals: a Brazilian Perspective Godoy Serpa da Fonseca, Rosa Maria; Aparecida Barbosa, Dulce; Yoshikawa Egry, Emiko
| | | Original Articles | | | | · Communities of practice: influences on pedagogical reasoning and action of nursing professors do Carmo Menegaz, Jouhanna; Schubert Backes, Vânia Marli; Medina Moya, José Luis
| | | | · The lived experience of undergraduate student parents: roles compatibility challenge Lucchini-Raies, Camila; Márquez-Doren, Francisca; Herrera-López, Luz María; Valdés, Camila; Rodríguez, Náyade
| | | | · Knowledge: disease process in patients undergoing hemodialysis de-Araújo-Ferreira, Jeysse Karla; Ramos-Costa-Pessoa, Natália; Pereira-Pôrto, Nayana; Nóbrega-Mendes-Santos, Laís; Brandão-de-Carvalho-Lira, Ana Luisa; Farias-de-Queiroz-Frazão, Cecília Maria
| | | | · Rapid response team: what factors interfere with its performance? Moreira, Aline A. S.; Ramos, Rogiane O.; Ligório, Anna Beatriz S.; Junqueira, Karolina D.; Corrêa, Krislainy S.
| | | | · Sexuality and HIV prevention: consensus and dissent of Catholic youths Santos-Couto, Pablo Luiz; Santos-Paiva, Mirian; Freitas-de-Oliveira, Jeane; Tosoli-Gomes, Antônio Marcos; Argolo-Teixeira, Marizete; Teixeira-Boa-Sorte, Elionara
| | | | · Digital Photography: a Tool for Nursing on the Assessment of Pressure Lesions Cortés, Olga L.; Alvarado, Paula A.; Rojas, Yudy A.; Salazar, Luz Dary; Acuña, Ximena; Esparza, Maribel
| | | | · Factors Contributing to Active Aging in Older Adults, from the Framework of Roy’s Adaptation Model Salazar-Barajas, Martha Elba; Crespo, Manuel Lillo; Hernández Cortez, Perla Lizeth; Villarreal Reyna, María de los Ángeles; Gallegos Cabriales, Esther Carlota; Gómez Meza, Marco Vinicio; Salazar Gonzalez, Bertha Cecilia
| | | | · Cooperative Learning and Hand Disinfection in Nursing Students Dembilio-Villar, Teresa; González-Chordá, Víctor M; Cervera-Gascch, Águeda; Mena-Tudela, Desirée
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