| Table of contents Invest. educ. enferm vol.42 no.3 Medellín Sep./Dec. 2024 Editorial | | | | · Challenges in Feeding Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: the Role of Nurses in Research and Interventions Flávio Moura de Araújo, Márcio
| | | Practical Guide to Achieve Rigor and Data Integration in Mixed Methods Research Lorenzini, Elisiane; Osorio-Galeano, Sandra Patricia; Schmidt, Catiele Raquel; Cañon-Montañez, Wilson
| | | Original Articles | | | | · Effect of patient sorting done by nurses on care request management in primary care emergency services Pérez-Romero, Genoveva; Jiménez-García, Ángela; Hueso-Montoro, Cesar; Montoya-Juárez, Rafael; García-Caro, María Paz
| | | | · “My Kidney Disease, My World as an Arena:” Unpacking the Situation of Adolescents from the Perspective of Postmodern Grounded Theory Ruidiaz Gómez, Keidis Sulay; Cacante Caballero, Jasmín V.
| | | | · Prevalence and severity of nomophobia among nurses: A systematic review and meta-analysis Mudgal, Shiv Kumar; Sharma, Suresh Kumar; Gaur, Rakhi; Sharma, Maneesh; T, Latha; Patidar, Vipin
| | | | · Repercussions of neck pain on the quality of life of health professionals in Intensive Care Units de Oliveira Redü, Alberto; Modernel Xavier, Daiani; Amaral Daoud, Marcela; Calcagno Gomes, Giovana; Rieth Bennetti, Eliane Raquel; Gomes Soares, Franciele; Garcia Lourenção, Luciano
| | | | · Validity and Reliability of the Adolescent Lifestyle Profile-Revised 2 (ALP-R2) Scale in Colombian Adolescents del Pilar Herrera Guerra, Eugenia; Bautista Arellanos, Lili Rosa; Bonilla Ibáñez, Claudia
| | | | · Cross mapping of self-care interventions for expert patients dos Santos Bezerril, Manacés; Barreto Tavares Chiavone, Flávia; Cunha da Silva, Larissa Arielly; Fernandes Costa, Isabelle Katherinne; Sánchez Ayllón, Francisca; Vázquez Santiago, Maria Soledad; Campos de Azevedo, Isabelle; Pereira Santos, Viviane Euzébia
| | | Review | | | | · Influencing Factors on the Success of Mobile Learning: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Mehrfar, Abdollah; Zolfaghari, Zahra; Bordbar, Arash; Mohabbat, Zahra
| | | Original Articles | | | | · Establishing a Partnership to Support an HIV Prevention Intervention for Latina Women in South Florida (United States of America) Iriarte, Evelyn; Cianelli, Rosina; De Santis, Joseph P.; Oliveira, Giovanna De; Castro, Jose G.; Baeza, Maria Jose; Thomas, Sophia; Hodge, Shanelle; Rubio Rivera, Susan Rubio
| | | | · Effectiveness of a Nursing Intervention to Improve Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices in Malaria Prevention in an Emberá Katío Community in the Department of Córdoba Herrera Herrera, Jorge Luis; Rodríguez-Gázquez, María de los Ángeles; Rojas, Juan Guillermo
| | | | · Construction and Validation of a Compassionate Nursing Care Scale from the Perspective of the Patient-Family Caregiver Dyad Archila-Hernández, Edwin Darío; Torres-Acosta, Doris Helena; Pulido-Barragán, Sandra Patricia; Laverde-Contreras, Olga Lucía; Sánchez-Herrera, Beatriz
| | | | · Intention, Motivations, and Barriers to Emigration of Nursing Students in Colombia Peña-Alfaro, Bairon Steve; Torres Díaz, Nancy Viviana
| | | | · Attitudes of nursing students towards ageism and associated factors Santana, Jaedson Capitó de; Menezes de Peixoto Filho, Julio César; da Silva Araújo, Rose Dayanne; Silva Fhon, Jack Roberto; Lima, Fábia Maria de
| | | | · Effect of a Specialized Nursing Subject Assignment on Perceived Knowledge and Skills to Care for Drug Users Villegas-Pantoja, Miguel A.; Moreno-Cruz, Mildred Astrid; Méndez-Ruiz, Martha Dalila; Reyes-Sánchez, Carlos
| | | | · Social determinants of health and exclusive breastfeeding: a longitudinal study Bezerra da Silva, Ananda Larisse; Araújo Oliveira, Elizabete Regina; Poton, Wanessa Lacerda; Santos, Andreia Soprani dos; Bubach, Susana; Miotto, Maria Helena Monteiro de Barros
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