Nota editorial
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Nota Breve |
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| · Parasitic helminths of Halichoeres bivittatus (Pisces: Labridae) from the southwestern Gulf of México MONTOYA-MENDOZA, Jesús; BALDERAS-CORTÉS, Yara Mayté; BALDERAS-CORTÉS, Yessica Mayreni; CHÁZARO-OLVERA, Sergio; OKOLODKOV, Yuri B.; REYNIER-VALDÉS, David
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A review of participatory aquatic biomonitoring in Latin America and the Caribbean WALTEROS, Jeymmy
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Artigos de pesquisa |
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| · Modeling the predator-prey relationship for the macroinvertebrate community on the shore of Lake Tota PINEDA-ALARCÓN, Ludy; CAÑÓN, Julio
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| · Effect of physical-chemical variables on the aquatic Coleoptera community in a Coastal Wetland, Lima, Peru CÓRDOVA-TELLO, Carolina A.; HUAMANTINCO-ARAUJO, Ana A.
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| · Trophic Structure of the Aquatic Macroinvertebrates Community in Streams from Colombian Orinoquía PALLARES PAREDES, Katherine Briceth; GONZÁLEZ-TRUJILL0, Juan David; DONATO-RONDON, Jhon Charles; CASTRO-REBOLLED0, Maria Isabel
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| · Evaluation of the ecological status of the Ánimas River through multimetric indexes in Cerinza, Boyacá GONZÁLEZ-TUTA, Ángela Liceth; GIL-PADILLA, Luz Nidia; PINILLA-AGUDEL0, Gabriel A.
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| · Functional and taxonomic diversity of aquatic insects (EPT) in an urban river of the Colombian plains ROMERO-LIZCANO, Jesica Juliana; VÁSQUEZ-RAMOS, Jesús Manuel; CARO-CARO, Clara Inés
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| · Secondary production of two species of Anacroneuria (Perlidae) in a neotropical river HURTADO-BORRERO, Yesely; TAMARIS-TURIZ0, Cesar E.
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| · Effect of Seasonality on the Assembly of Macrobenthos in a High Andean River FIGUEROA ECHE, Lourdes Mercedes; ARENAS IBARRA, José Antonio
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| · Vertical distribution of beta diversity of macroinvertebrates in an oligotrophic high mountain neotropical lake HERRERA-MARTÍNEZ, Yimy; PIMIENTO-ORTEGA, Mabel Giovana; PRAT, Narcís; CASTIBLANCO RODRÍGUEZ, Nayibe Yanine; GONZÁLEZ MARTÍNEZ, Yesica Lorena
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| · Leaf litter decomposition and macroinvertebrate assemblages in a tropical Andean stream (Ibagué, Colombia) QUIMBAYO-DÍAZ, Sebastián; REINOSO-FLÓREZ, Gladys; GUEVARA, Giovany
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| · Trophic network of temporary ponds of the northern of department of la Guajira (Colombia) CAYÓN REYES, Raúl Eduardo; TAMARIS-TURIZO, Cesar E.; ESLAVA-ELJAIEK, Pedro
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| · Diversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates and habitat quality in tributaries of the national natural park Selva Florencia Gil-González, Stefany; Alvis-Zapata, Natally; Rodríguez-Hurtado, Caterine; Gomes Dias, Lucimar
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Nota Breve |
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| · Preliminary analysis of benthos of northeast Coatepeque Lake, El Salvador BARRAZA, José Enrique; MELARA, Verónica Esperanza
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| · Hypolobocera bouvieri (Decapoda: Pseudothelphusidae) and physicochemical analysis in micro-watersheds in montane agroecosystems RIVERA-PÉREZ, Juan Mateo; LLANO-ARIAS, Camilo Andrés; GUEVARA, Giovany
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| · New records for Elmidae (Coleoptera: Byrrhoidea) in Colombia HINCAPIÉ-MONTOYA, Denis M.
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