| Table of contents Salud, Barranquilla vol.32 no.1 Barranquilla Jan./Apr. 2016 Editorial | | | | · Salud Uninorte in the 50 years of our university and its role in internationalizing Alonso, Luz Marina; Acosta, Tania
| | | Original aticles | | | | · Effectiveness of a prevention program in mental health by socratic dialogue and critical thinking Londoño Arredondo, Nora; Palacio Sañudo, Jorge; Acosta Barros, Carlos; Juárez Acosta, Fernando; Aguirre-Acevedo, Daniel
| | | | · Effect of the consumption of diet sodas in plasmatic levels of glucose and insulin in young students at Universidad del Norte Vásquez Rengifo, Jesús Fernando; Díazgranados, Ismael Lizarazu; Cedeño Rocha, Cielo María; Mora Baños, Kevin
| | | | · Lessons learned in health communication and risk management of Chikungunya virus and other vector-born diseases Vega-Casanova, Jair; Vega-Estarita, Lina; Arroyave-Cabrera, Jesús
| | | | · Predictors of stroke mortality in the Hospital Universitario San Jorge of Pereira (Colombia) Morales-Plaza, Cristhian David; Aguirre-Castañeda, Claudio; Machado-Alba, Jorge Enrique
| | | | · Experiencing growth and development of a visually impaired son Morales Viana, Liliana Cristina
| | | | · Making an animal model of Bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis Malambo García, Dacia; Veloza Cabrera, Luis; Tuñón Pitalúa, Marta; Baena Del Valle, Javier; Mora García, Gustavo; Ibarra Jiménez, Gabriel; Gómez Alegría, Claudio; Gómez Camargo, Doris
| | | | · Care practices performing postpartum women in the cities of Sincelejo, Corozal, Tolú, Sampués and San Onofre (Sucre, Colombia) 2014 Martínez Royert, Judith; Pereira Peñate, Milena
| | | | · Reproducibility of a questionnaire that valúes physical activity in school adolescents altitude Gómez-Campos, Rossana A; Fuentes-López, José Damián; Puño Canqui, Luis Guillermo; de Arruda, Miguel; Cossio-Bolaños, Marco Antonio
| | | | · Bacteria causing of foodborne diseases: an overview at Colombia Soto Varela, Zamira; Pérez Lavalle, Liliana; Estrada Alvarado, Dalidier
| | | | · Leptospira spp. and human leptospirosis Romero-Vivas, Claudia M; Falconar, Andrew K
| | | | · Prevention of adverse events in pediatrics intensive care units Alvarado, Herly; Achury Saldaña, Diana
| | | | · The relationship between low back pain and movements in prolonged sitting posture: Literature review Maradei García, Fernanda; Quintana Jiménez, Leonardo; Barrero, Lope H
| | | | · Parenchymal neurocysticercosis postpartum: An unusual finding in the eclampsia´ window. Case report Ayola Anaya, Francisco; Rincones Soto, Dainer; Sanabria Granados, Lina
| | | | · Mortality meningitis Pasteurella canis: Learning opportunities Ropero Vera, Ana Rosa; Rodríguez, Jorge Martín; Farfán, Guillermo
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