| Table of contents Salud, Barranquilla vol.33 no.2 Barranquilla May/Aug. 2017 Editorial | | | | · For an intelligent Epidemiology Fernández Niño, Julián Alfredo
| | | Original aticles | | | | · Insomnia, sleep latency and quantity of sleep in chilean university students during a periods of classes and exam Durán Agüero, Samuel; Rosales Soto, Giovanni; Moya Cantillana, Cristóbal; García Milla, Paula
| | | | · Relationship between sociodemographic factors and low birth weight in a university clinic in Cundinamarca (Colombia) Agudelo Pérez, Sergio; Maldonado Calderón, María; Plazas Vargas, Merideydy; Gutiérrez Soto, Isabel; Gómez, Ángela; Díaz Quijano, Diana
| | | | · March on soil rehabilitation for individuals with chronic sequelae of stroke Aguilera-Eguía, Raúl; Ibacache-Palma, Alejandro; Roco-Videla, Ángel
| | | | · Characterization of adverse events reported in nursing care units intensive Bogotá (Colombia) Achury Saldaña, Diana; Rodríguez Colmenares, Sandra; Díaz Álvarez, Juan Carlos; Gómez, Johana; Gómez Hernández, Angélica; Díaz, Jorge Enrique; Mesa Rodríguez, Sandra; Eslava Rodríguez, Carmen; Castañeda Rodriguez, Adriana
| | | | · Burnout syndrome in teachers and its relation with the learning of primary students of an official educational institution of Sincelejo (Colombia), 2016 Martínez Royert, Judith Cristina; Berthel Regino, Yamileth; Vergara Díaz, Mary Sixta
| | | | · Knowledge, attitudes and practices on child abuse in dentists from Cartagena (Colombia) Arrieta Vergara, Katherine; Díaz Cárdenas, Shyrley; Ramos Martínez, Ketty
| | | | · Academic performance and quality of life related to health in dentistry students Díaz Cárdenas, Shyrley; Martínez Redondo, Mariam; Zapata Teherán, Ana María
| | | | · Risk and communication indicators in mental health on consumption of psychoactive substances and intra-family violence in community leaders Ferrel Ortega, Fernando Robert; Ferrel Ballestas, Lucía Fernanda; Oblitas Guadalupe, Luis; Yáñez Canal, Humberto
| | | | · Characteristics of alcoholic drinks consumption and consumption pattern among Dental students Torres-Martínez, Pilar Alejandra; Barrios-Penna, Carolina Alejandra; Díaz-Narváez, Victor Patricio; Vega-Troncoso, Carla Andrea; González-Cruz, Sebastián Alejandro; Vergara-Castillo, Samanta Abril
| | | | · Absenteeism and health complications in user's hypertension program Santa Marta (Colombia) Sánchez Serrano, Brigith; González Ruiz, Gisela
| | | Review article | | | | · Transfusions in paediatrics Ayala Viloria, Alfonso J.; González Torres, Henry J.; Tarud, Gabriel J. David
| | | | · Obesity and poverty, who is to blame? Martínez, Emilio G.; Visbal, Lila
| | | | · Health education adolescents and approach from Social pedagogy, in contexts of vulnerability Borja González, Juana; del Pozo Serrano, Francisco José
| | | | · Climate change and human health: a review from the Colombian perspective Malagón-Rojas, Jeadran N.; Garrote-Wilches, Carolina F.; Castilla-Bello, Paola A.
| | | Reflection Articles | | | | · Dialogue of knowledges: proposal to identify and understand problems and situations in population health Hernández-Rincón, Erwin Hernando; Lamus-Lemus, Francisco; Carratalá-Munuera, Concepción; Orozco-Beltrán, Domingo
| | | | · The physical actvity, continuous and interval training: A solution for the health Ortiz-Pulido, Ricardo; Gómez-Figueroa, Julio A.
| | | | · The exercises of core as a therapeutic option for the management of low back pain Calvo Soto, Andrea; Gómez Ramirez, Esperanza
| | | Clinic case | | | | · Gastric rupture. Case report González Vergara, Alfonso; Pereira, Milena; Martínez-Royert, Judith
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