| Table of contents Rev. Colomb. Cardiol. vol.31 no.6 Bogota Oct./Dec. 2024 Editorial | | | | · Importance and development of the cardio-oncology in Colombia: present and future Carrera-Rodríguez, Tito
| | | Original article | | | | · Importance of standardized lipid profile reporting in clinical laboratories García, Ángel; Arango, Javier; Cabrera, Javier; Melo, Jaime; Miranda, Harold; Restrepo, Katherine; Vélez, Marlene I.; Mojica, Iván L.; Rodríguez, Jaime A.
| | | | · Cardiovascular risk factors in neuropsychiatric patients with arterial hypertension in an outpatient setting of a specialized hospital Barrera-Guarderas, Francisco; Vásquez-Salgado, Carlos
| | | | · Usefulness of two-dimensional echocardiography in the diagnosis of severe coronary stenosis in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome Cisneros-Sánchez, Liliam G.; Martínez-García, Geovedy; Puig-Benítez, Lázaro; Carrero-Vázquez, Annia Ma.; Martínez-Peró, Rosa Ma.; Pérez-Rivero, Taimara
| | | | · Health and economic impact of LDL cholesterol control in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and high or very high cardiovascular risk: a simulation study for the Colombian context Ceballos, Mateo; Arias, Sara; Gamboa, Carlos
| | | | · Echocardiographic findings in patients hospitalized by COVID-19 and its relationship with intrahospital mortality and one year after Rendón-Giraldo, Jairo A.; Lema-Calidonio, Camila; Isaldarriaga-Giraldo, Clara
| | | | · Mortality in Colombia due to cerebrovascular disease compared to coronary ischemic disease: 1995-2020 Valencia-Mendoza, María C.; Romero, Camilo; Molano-González, Nicolás
| | | | · Colombian registry of anticoagulation clinics (RECCANT) and the use of reversal agents (RECCANT-AR): rationale and design Seni-Molina, Sebastián; Mora, Arturo D.; Gutiérrez-Posso, Juliana; Ñáñez, Maribel; Victoria-Salcedo, Juan D.; Díez-Sepúlveda, Julio; Molina, Dora I.; Montenegro, Ana C.; Gálvez, Kenny M.; Castillo, Gilberto A.; Sánchez, Róbinson; León-Giraldo, Hoover O.; Gómez-Mesa, Juan E.
| | | | · Systematic review of high-sensitivity troponin based protocols for rule-out and rule-in acute myocardial infarction: a comparison of traditional and Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT)-assisted approaches Sprockel-Díaz, John J.; Diaztagle-Fernández, Juan J.
| | | Cardiology imaging | | | | · Inferior vena cava agenesis as a cause of pulmonary thromboembolism Borges-López, Jesús S.; Rosas-Munive, Erlan E.; Cuevas-Campillo, Axel
| | | Editor letters | | | | · Use of diagnostic methods in pre-participation assessment for physical activity in asymptomatic patients. Is it possible to detect cardiovascular disease and prevent sudden death? Gallo-Villegas, Jaime A.; Aristizábal-Ocampo, Dagnóvar
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