| Table of contents Acta Neurol Colomb. vol.36 no.4 Bogotá Sep./Dec. 2020 Editorial | | | | · Editorial independence Rosselli MD, EdM, MSc, Diego
| | | Original aticles | | | | · Socio-demographic characterization and clinical profile of patients diagnosed with neurosyphilis in a population of Bogotá, Colombia Duque-Montoya, Daniela; Riveros, Sandra.; Ramos, Marta; Espinosa-Jovel, Camilo Alfonso; Hedmont, Daniel; Sobrino-Mejía, Fidel
| | | | · The caregiver burden of dementia patients in a military population: a descriptive study Rojas Villegas, Yessika Milena; Suárez, Geraldine Peralta; Ardila, Gerardo; Guzmán Molano, Luisa Fernanda; Centanaro, Gabriel Adolfo
| | | Case report | | | | · Tabes dorsalis and syphilitic meningitis in a patient with human immunodeficiency virus Nassar Tobón, Andrea Catalina; Rivera Rojas, Neiby Johana; Mora Méndez, Javier Mauricio; Gómez Suárez, Andrés Mauricio
| | | | · Candida meningoencephalitis in an immunocompetent patient: Case report Cotua Urzola, Juan Camilo; Blanco Castiblanco, Luis Alfredo; Vergara Retamoza, Ruben Mauro
| | | | · Induced parkinsonism for telmisartan: case report Fernández Yépez, Luis José; Blanco Castiblanco, Luis Alfredo; Fernández Fernández, Elias José; Fernandez Fernández, Erwin Javier
| | | | · Carotid web: "septo o banda carotidea": Two case reports Romero, Camilo; Ujueta, David
| | | Reflection article | | | | · Endovascular therapy for the management of Acute Ischemic Stroke During the COVID-19 Pandemic Rivera Ordoñez, Carlos Eduardo; Romero Hernández, Camilo Andrés; Folleco Ortiz, Lucila Emilse
| | | Letter to the Editor | | | | · Citation rates for bilingual English/Spanish Colombian medical publications: a natural experiment Torres García, Juan Felipe; Pizarra, Ana Beatriz; Saavedra, Juan Alejandro; Lopez Paredes, Maria José; Mora Castellanos, Laura Sofía
| | | | · I also had 20 years Romero Hernández, Camilo Andrés; Folleco Ortíz, Lucila Emilse
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