Master Pieces for Hispanic Readers |
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| · Human rights and the judicial activity regarding interpretation: warnings and requirements Vigo, Rodolfo Luis
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Articles |
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| · Humanity and Law: A Reading of Schmitt's Early Works Pérez Lasserre, Diego
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| · Transconstitutionalism: Theory without Practice? Critical Analysis of One of the Current Theories on the Relations between Legal Orders Rivas-Ramírez, Daniel; Fuentes-Contreras, Édgar Hernán
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| · Sometimes I Have, Sometimes I Don't: 'Case Theory' vis-à-vis Judicial Activism and Criminal Defense Laise, Luciano D.
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| · What Is Judicial Activism? Part II: A Definition Beyond Overreach of Duties Rivas-Robledo, Pablo
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| · The Notion of Destruction in Genocide and The Protection of The Cultural Identity of Ethnic Groups in Armed Conflicts: The Case of The Nasa People in Northern Cauca (Colombia) Cote Barco, Gustavo Emilio; Vega Dueñas, Lorena Cecilia
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| · Third Parties and the Guarantee of a Natural Judge in the Special Jurisdiction for Peace: Analysis of Judgment C-674/2017 from a Transitional Perspective Estrada Valencia, Fabio
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| · The Social Rule of Law, Discretionary Application? Rueda Vásquez, José Miguel; Molina Gómez, Julián R.; Cubillos Ruiz, Álvaro
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| · Práctica de los principios rectores sobre empresas y derechos humanos Gentile, Andrea N.; Vázquez, Agustina N.
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Review |
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| · Reflexiones desde la distancia: análisis ponderado y sereno del modelo transicional en Colombia Rosero Narváez, Karen Daniela
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| · De falacias y sofismas: una mirada cáustica sobre el imperio de la ley como axioma Caballero Trenado, Laura
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Featured papers |
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| · The State of Comparative Constitutional Law: What are Constitutions For? Colón-Ríos, Joel I.
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Response to paper |
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| · Sobre elefantes e ideales: dos críticas a "El estado del derecho constitucional comparado: ¿para qué son las Constituciones?" Cruz Gutiérrez, David Fernando
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| · Entre la democracia y el liberalismo: una revisión a la propuesta de Joel I. Colón-Ríos Macana Gutiérrez, Nataly
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