| Table of contents Rev. colomb. Gastroenterol. vol.36 no.1 Bogotá Jan./Mar. 2021 Nota del editor | | | | · Words from the editor Aponte Martín, Diego
| | | Editorial | | | | · Artificial intelligence in the detection of colonic polyps: what the studies say Cepeda-Vásquez, Ricardo
| | | Original articles | | | | · Artificial intelligence techniques for the automatic detection of colorectal polyps Gómez-Zuleta, Martín Alonso; Cano-Rosales, Diego Fernando; Bravo-Higuera, Diego Fernando; Ruano-Balseca, Josué André; Romero-Castro, Eduardo
| | | | · Sociodemographic and histopathological characteristics of patients with gastric cancer in a high-risk population in Colombia Portillo-Miño,, José Darío; Araújo-Prado,, Laura María; Melo,, Jorge Mauricio; Carlosama-Rosero., Yeison Harvey
| | | | · Validity of nodules detected at colonoscopy for the diagnosis of nodular lymphoid hyperplasia in children Sempértegui-Cárdenas, Pablo Xavier; Cadena-León, José Francisco; Ignorosa-Arellano, Karen Rubí; Toro-Monjaraz, Erick Manuel; Zárate-Mondragón, Flora Elva; Cervantes-Bustamante, Roberto; Ramírez-Mayans, Jaime Alfonso; Corcuera-Delgado, Celso Tomás; Becerril-Cholula, Laura
| | | | · Clinical and epidemiological description of patients with chronic pancreatitis treated at a quaternary care hospital in Cali, 2011-2017 Sepúlveda-Copete, Mauricio; Satizabal-Padridin, Natalia; Hidalgo-Cardona, Alejandra; Criollo-Gutiérrez, Brian D.; Tobón-Guevara, Angélica; Castro-Llanos, Andrés M.; Aguirre-Rojas, Marisol; Rojas-Rodríguez, Carlos A.
| | | | · Cohorts of premedication for endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract with simethicone, N-acetylcysteine, Hedera helix and visual scale validation Blanco, Camilo; Barreto-Guevara, María Isabel; Walteros-Gordillo, Yenny Lucía; Pinzón-Segura, Néstor Armando; Rivera-Velasco, María del Carmen; Bareño, José
| | | | · Wilson’s disease: Experience of a reference center in Colombia Muñoz-Maya, Octavio; Vélez-Hernández, Juan Esteban; Santos, Óscar Mauricio; Marín, Juan Ignacio; Restrepo-Gutiérrez, Juan Carlos
| | | | · Real-time elastography (Supersonic), experience of a medical center in Bogotá Prieto-O, Jhon E.; Garzón-Orjuela, Nathaly; Sánchez-P, Santiago; Prieto-O, Robin; Ochoa-D, Andrés; Soto-O, Pedro H.; Eslava-Schmalbach, Javier
| | | Review Articles | | | | · Pouchitis, a complication associated with the surgical treatment of ulcerative colitis. Diagnosis and treatment. Review Otero-Regino, William; Otero-Parra, Lina; Veitía, Guillermo
| | | | · Updated interpretation of Impedance-ph monitoring Atenea Costa, Valeria; Pinto-Saavedra,, Oscar Mariano; Hani,, Albis; Leguízamo,, Ana María; Ardila-Hani., Andrés Felipe
| | | Report of cases | | | | · Acute pancreatitis: A rare complication of gastrostomy due to intragastric balloon migration. Case report and literature review Marulanda-Fernández,, Hernando; Otero-Regino, William; Otero, Elder
| | | | · Emphysematous gastritis in association with gastric adenocarcinoma. A case report Vanegas-Duarte,, Esteban; Duque-Montaño, Angélica María
| | | | · Cavernous hemangioma of the colon in a young patient Ruiz-Cáez, Karina; Cure-Michailith, Jesús; Canedo-Matute, Javier; Jiménez-Canedo, Jesika
| | | | · Behçet’s disease compared with inflammatory bowel disease. Differences in their clinical presentation Vargas-Cuervo, María Teresa; Severiche-Bueno, Diego Fernando; Parra-Bonilla, Humberto Carlo; Montaño-Rozo, Andrés
| | | | · Malacoplakia in a teenager: A case report Muñoz-Cedeño, Rubén; Rodríguez-Chica, Gema; Martínez-Ballesteros, Priscila; Paullan-Sani, Viviana; Vera-Zapata, Fabricio
| | | | · Esophageal tuberculosis associated with HIV immunosuppression: Case report Rozo-Ortiz, Edwar Jassir; Quemba-Mesa, Mónica Paola; Bustos-Acosta, Juan David; Castellanos-Pedroza, Iván Yesid; Muñoz-Torres, Jamir; Vargas-Rodríguez, Ledmar Jovanny
| | | | · Gastric perforation caused by fish bone. Case report and literature review Alfaro, Yolima; Rodríguez, Luis Fernando; Molineros, Luis Fernando; Cifuentes, Sandra; Berdugo, Juan Oswaldo
| | | | · Biliodigestive shunt guided by endoscopic ultrasonography in patient with stage IV pancreatic adenocarcinoma and obstruction of the bile duct. A case report Manrique, María; Martín-M, Wilmar
| | | | · Endoscopic mucosal resection for early gastric cancer: A current alternative Ferreira-Bohórquez, Edgar Julián; Cala-Noriega,, Carlos Hernando; Villa-Córdoba,, Juan David; García-Ayala., Ernesto
| | | | · Findings of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in children with short stature Castro-Murillo, Julio César; Velasco-Benítez, Carlos Alberto; Calderón-Guerrero, Otto Gerardo
| | | Letters | | | | · About the Rotterdam Score as a predictor of Budd-Chiari Syndrome prognosis Sánchez-Luque., Carlos Bernardo
| | | | · Is endoscopic ultrasound-assisted cholecystogastrostomy sufficient to resolve malignant distal biliary obstruction from pancreatic cancer? Mosquera-Klinger,, Gabriel; Gómez-Venegas,, Álvaro Andrés; Carvajal-Gutierrez., Jhon Jaime; Pinto, Renzo; Solano, Jaime; Cabrera, Luis Felipe; Benito, Érika; Sánchez, Álvaro; Pedraza, Mauricio
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