Editorial |
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Plantbreeding, genetic resources and molecular biology |
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| · Phenotypic evaluation of two transgenic potato varieties for control of Tecia solanivora Torres, Javier; Villanueva, Diego; Cadavid-Restrepo, Gloria; Arango, Rafael
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| · Agronomical evaluation of cape gooseberries (Physalis peruviana L.) from central and north-eastern Colombia Herrera M, Axel Mauricio; Fischer, Gerhard; Chacón S, María Isabel
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Cultivations physiology |
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| · Basic growth analysis in strawberry plants (Fragaria sp.) exposed to different radiation environments Casierra-Posada, Fánor; Peña-Olmos, Jaime E; Ulrichs, Christian
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| · Effect of 2.4-D exogenous application on the abscission and fruit growth in Sweet orange. var. Salustiana Rebolledo R, Alexander; García-Luis, Amparo; Guardiola B, José Luis
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| · Omission of macronutrients in seedlings of biribazeiro (Rollinia mucosa [Jacq.] Baill) crown in nutrient solution Fonseca de Souza, Matheus; Queiroz Martins, Madlles; de Oliveira Silva, Mailson Félix; Coelho, Ruimário Inácio
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| · Models to estimate the bunch dry weight in African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.), American oil palm (Elaeis oleifera H.B.K. Cortes) and the interspecific hybrid (E. oleifera x E. guineensis) Contreras B, Ángela P; Cayón S, Gerardo; Corchuelo R, Germán
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| · Physiological response of gmelina (Gmelina arborea Roxb.) to hydric conditions of the colombian Caribbean Rojas, Andrea; Moreno, Leonardo; Melgarejo, Luz Marina; Rodríguez M, Miguel A
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| · Influence of substrate and mycorrhizal fungus on the root and shoot architecture of coffee-shading walnut (Cordia alliodora [Ruiz et Pav.] Oken) Rodríguez, Loyla; Beltrán, Viviana Andrea
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| · Differential response of plants to aluminum. A review Valencia R, Rubén A; Ligarreto M, Gustavo A
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Protection of cultivations |
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| · Evaluation of weeds as possible hosts of the potyviruses associated with tree tomato (Solanum betaceum cav.) viroses Sierra S, Adela; Gil R, José Fernando; Patiño H, Luis Fernando; González J, Elena Paola
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Fisiology and tecnology postharvest |
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| · Modelling change in color and firmness of baby banana (Musa acuminata AA) in modified atmosphere packaging Castellanos, Diego A; Algecira, Nestor A
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| · Growth and development of the cupuaçu fruit (Theobroma grandiflorum [Willd. Ex Spreng.] Schum.) in the western colombian Amazon Hernández L, Claudia; Hernández G, María Soledad
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| · Application of calcium, boron and sucrose on cut peony stems (Paeonia lactiflora Pall.) cv. Karl Rosenfield Loyola-López, Nelson; Prieto-Labbé, Carolina; Villouta-Barr, Beatríz
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Soils, fertilization and management of water |
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| · SOILS, FERTILIZATION AND MANAGEMENT OF WATER Halotolerant/alkalophilic bacteria associated with the cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis (Nordstedt) Gomont that promote early growth in Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench Gómez G, Liliana; Valero V, Nelson; de Brigard C, Rosa
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| · Effects of a vinasse-microorganism blend application on a Vertisol with sugarcane Gallego-Blanco, José; Muñoz, Elizabeth; Hernández-Ríos, Leidy
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| · Verification of alternatives for sustainable onion production (Allium cepa L.) in Cucaita, Boyaca Viteri R, Silvio Edgar; Méndez Z, Martha Jeanneth; Villamil C, Jorge Enrique
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Economy and rural development |
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| · Impact of coffee crop renewal program on small producers in department Cundinamarca (Colombia) Guarín N, Carlos Andrés; Pachón A, Fabio Alberto
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| · Environmental management model for small dairies in the Industrial Corridor of Boyaca (Colombia) Deháquiz M, Janneth Esperanza; Bermúdez C, Lilia Teresa; Rodríguez C, Luis Felipe
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