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Revista Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia
Print version ISSN 0121-246X


Table of contents
Rev Fac Odontol Univ Antioq vol.36 no.1 Medellín Jan./June 2024

 Original article
 ·  Frequency of toothbrushing in children under 12 years old in Peru, 2019-2021
Cabanillas-Yllesca, Karen; León-Manco, Roberto Antonio; Castillo-López, César Eduardo Del; Beltrán, Jorge A.; Garcés-Elías, María Claudia

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 ·  Effect of desensitizing treatment for pediatric patients diagnosed with Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH)
Demostene-Raymundo, Adriana Vittorina; De Lima-Martinez, Paola Alexandra; Acosta-De Camargo, Maria Gabriela

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Access to information on oral hygiene and fluoride concentration in toothpaste for Peruvian children, 2018-2022
Curo-Valdivia, Yuri Freddy; Juárez-Merino, Daniel Alonso

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 ·  In vitro analysis of two irrigation activation systems for cleaning mesial canals in lower molars
Gálvez-Saavedra, Allison; Lavalle-Vidal, Guadalupe; Nima, Gabriel

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )
 ·  Comparison of compressive strength between Trioxide Mineral Aggregate and BiodentineTM in permanent lower molar furcation perforations
Huatuco-Granda, Jheymy Gerardo; Torres-Navarro, John Paul; Roncal-Espinoza, Rosa Josefina

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 ·  Oral health-related quality of life in elderly population of the geriatric centers in the municipality of Pedro Moncayo, Ecuador
Zurita-Herrera, José David; Farfán-Mera, Karina Patricia; Hermosa-Gallardo, Dayana Nicole; Oña-Toapanta, Ingrid Antonella; Niama-Bonifaz, Esteban Javier

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 ·  Effects and clinical application of cannabinoids for the treatment of periodontal disease: a systematic review
García-Gutiérrez, Laura; Hoyos-Castrillón, Yuliana; Garcés-Londoño, Sara; Jaimes-Ríos, Sandra

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
 Subject rewiev
 ·  Application of the grading system for dental casts and panoramic radiographs - ABO/OGS in orthodontics: a topic review
Castaño-Duque, Sandra Patricia; Hernández-Pantoja, Andrés Felipe; Lemos-Torres, María Inés

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )

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