Research Articles |
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| · Restricted social capital: Cundinamarca's departamen case Martínez, Edgar Enrique; Pico García, Cárdenas Harold David
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| · Bioethical and biolaw dialogue on the conformation and biojuridic nature of the homoparental family in Colombia Zárate Cuello, Amparo de Jesús
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| · Parental styles in the process of raising children with disruptive disorders García Peña, John Jairo; Arana Medina, Claudia Marcela; Restrepo Botero, Juan Carlos
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| · Family strategies to climate change in a rural community of Calixto Garcia, Holguin, Cuba Gallardo Milanés, Olga Alicia
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| · The effects of oil pollution in the development of Ejidal Communities: the case of the San Juan river basin (Nuevo León, Mexico) López Naranjo, Diego; Luyando Cuevas, José Raúl
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Reflection articles |
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| · Considerations about community development Riera Vázquez, Celia Marta; Paz Enrique, Luis Ernesto; Hernández Alfonso, Eduardo Alejandro
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| · Psychological indicators on transgresor behavior of traffic rules Moreno Carmona, Norman Darío; Durán Palacio, Nicolasa María
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| · Micropolitics and Pluriverses: questions and possible construction Salazar Rendón, Milton Andrés
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Reviews |
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| · INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION FOR DEVELOPMENT: GOVERNMENT, ECONOMY AND SOCIETY. EVOLUTION OF POLICY AND FUTURE SCENARIOS -From policy to CSOs: questions and answers to build a future of sustainable and global development Pellizzon, Marco
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