| Table of contents Investig. desarro. vol.26 no.2 Barranquilla July/Dec. 2018 Research Articles | | | | · Challenges faced by smallholder farmers in a former conflict area in Colombia: the case of Montes de María Lissbrant, Sofia; Espitia, Paula J.P; Mendoza, Andrés
| | | | · Evaluation of scientific production of Journal existing area of Health in the Colombian Caribbean region, indexed in Publindex -Colciencias, Colombia, 2010-2015 Pérez Anaya, Oskarly; Ceballos Ospino, Guillermo Augusto; Acosta Salazar Jesús, Diana Patricia; Suescún Arregocés, David; Lapeira Panneflex, Patricia
| | | Reflection articles | | | | · Calle 13 and their social discourse Hernández Prieto, Carmen Esther
| | | | · Homicide: multipurpose criterion in the media coverage Molina Jácome, Isaías José; Martínez Monterrosa, Alberto Enrique
| | | | · Massive online courses, MOOC: courses for the whole minorities?: a review from positions about the impact of virtual education and the reducing of the social gap Manotas Salcedo, Edna
| | | | · The national taxation in the transfers and royalties territorial of Colombia: A search for Fiscal Equity between the Nation and the Territorial Entities (2000-2017) Rincón Navas, Carlos Mario
| | | Reviews | | | | · Raworth, K. (2017). Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist. Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing Parra, Juan David; Arango, Alejandro
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