| Table of contents Suma Psicol. vol.31 no.2 Bogotá July/Dec. 2024 Articles | | | | · Relationships between social support, self-perceived health, and life satisfaction: A comparison between heterosexual and LGB+ university students in Chile Alarcón-Jouanet, Tatiana; Orellana, Ligia; Schnettler, Berta; Riquelme-Segura, Leonor; Sepúlveda, José; Reutter, Karol
| | | | · Evidence of validity of a Jealousy Scale in Peruvian youth and adults: An item response theory approach Ventura-León, José; Lino-Cruz, Cristopher; Tocto-Muñoz, Shirley; Sánchez-Villena, Andy Rick; Martinez-Munive, Renzo; Casiano-Valdivieso, Kenia; Talledo-Sánchez, Karim
| | | | · Effect of anxious and depressive symptomatology on eating styles in the chilean population Hun, Nelson; Urzúa, Alfonso; Acuña, Valentina; Barraza, Karen; Leiva-Gutiérrez, José
| | | | · Maternal separation and early social enrichment increase anxietyrelated behaviours of adolescent rats in the elevated plus maze Rico, Javier L.; Chaverra-Rodríguez, Karen Paola; Garzón-Barbosa, Natalia; Ortega, Leonardo A.
| | | | · Psychometric Properties of the Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) in a sample of Colombian children and adolescents Agudelo Gallego, Carlos Mauricio; Montoya Zuluaga, Paula Andrea; Cárdenas Niño, Lucila; Pino Montoya, José Wilmar; Gómez-Tabares, Anyerson Stiths
| | | | · Psychometric properties of Dispvac Scale: evidence of its content, internal validity, external validity, and reliability Mora-Mican, Cristian; Huerfia, Andrés D.; Barbosa, Sergio; Corredor, Javier; Sánchez-Mora, Johana
| | | | · Friendship and disability: An analysis of knowledge networks Almeida, Laiane Sousa; Ramos Pontes, Fernando Augusto; Magalhães Bastos, Jamille Alice; dos Santos Rodrigues, José Victor; da Costa Silva, Simone Souza
| | | | · Network analysis of subjective happiness, hope and resilience in the Paraguayan general population during the post-COVID-19 pandemic period Caycho-Rodríguez, Tomás; Torales, Julio; Baños-Chaparro, Jonatan; O’Higgins, Marcelo; Ventriglio, Antonio; Castaldelli-Maia, João Mauricio; Barrios, Iván; Hualparuca-Olivera, Luis; Reyes-Bossio, Mario; Vilca, Lindsey W.
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