| Table of contents av.enferm. vol.37 no.1 Bogotá Jan./Apr. 2019 Editorial | | | | · Programa de residencia para enfermeros: transformando saberes, prácticas y contextos organizacionales de Oliveira Silva, Rosana Maria; Reis da Silva, Gilberto Tadeu; Dumet Fernandes, Josicélia
| | | Research articles | | | | · Cultural competence of nurses in public health with indigenous population Castillo, Liliana Orozco; López-Díaz, Lucero
| | | | · Clinical and epidemiological evaluation of patients with wounds in a prison unit in the State of São Paulo Garcia, Silmara Jorge; Moreira Borges, Daniela Tinti; Blanes, Leila; Masako Ferreira, Lydia
| | | | · The companion of cancer patient in terminal stage: perception of the nursing technician Bernardes, Juliana Felipelli; Nolasco, Frederico Francisco; Silva Lima Jardim, Alessandra; Rodrigues Cunha, Genilton; Takeshita, Isabela Mie; de Araújo Barroso, Renata Adriana
| | | | · Microcephaly related to Zika virus and family dynamics: perspective of the mother da Silva Menezes, Agna Soares; Soares Alves, Maria José; Pereira Gomes, Thalita; Alves Pereira, João
| | | | · The practical of non-pharmacological methods for relieving the pain of childbirth in a universitary hospital in Brazil Mielke, Karem Cristina; Gouveia, Helga Geremias; de Carvalho Gonçalves, Annelise
| | | | · Interruptions in the work of nursing as a risk factor for medication errors de Sousa Santana, Breno; Soares Rodrigues, Bárbara; Morato Stival, Marina; Santa Barbara Rehem, Tânia Cristina Morais; Ramos de Lima, Luciano; Grou Volpe, Cris Renata
| | | | · Perception of the critical patient on the behavior of humanized nursing care Joven, Zuli Milena; Guáqueta Parada, Sandra Rocío
| | | | · Prevalence of persistence of the arterial canal in newborns in a public hospital Athayde Nascimento, Bárbara Michelle; Rodrigues da Silva, Wiliana; Durães Oliveira, Pâmela Scarlatt; Nunes Ferreira, Tadeu
| | | | · Climate of safety in intensive therapy for adults: focus on nursing professionals Soares de Souza, Verusca; Derenzo, Neide; Ramos Costa, Maria Antônia; Rodrigues Mendonça, Renata; Ferreira de Lima, Wesley Luiz; Misue Matsuda, Laura
| | | Reflection Articles | | | | · Reflection on control of Quilombola access to Brazilian public health Bispo de Almeida, Claudio; Souza dos Santos, André; Benemérita Alves Vilela, Alba; Casotti, Cezar Augusto
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