Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · The unbalanced productive structure: An assessment of Marcelo Diamand's contributions to economic theory. Dvoskin, Ariel; Feldman, Germán
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| · Financialization as a theory of crisis in a historical perspective. Mateo, Juan Pablo
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| · Neodesarrollismo y el tipo de cambio competitivo Fiorito, Alejandro; Guaita, Nahuel; Guaita, Silvio
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| · Economic rights in a decent society and in justice theories Guerra González, María del Rosario
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| · An approach to the changes in the economic composition of the ruling class in the new Argentine development mode (2002-2009) López, Emiliano
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| · Evolution of the socioeconomic structure of the Argentine Pampas: The production concentration process in the period 1988-2008 Fernández, Diego Ariel
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| · Foreign exchange and imperialism in the Argentine economic crises Burachik, Gustavo
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| · The Beveridge curve in Spain: New evidence for the period 2000-2011 Villaverde, José; Maza, Adolfo; Hierro, María
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