Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · The challenges of Latin American development in the light of history Ocampo, José Antonio
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| · Long term economic growth in Antioquia, Colombia: GDP estimates, 1800-1913 Mejía, Javier
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| · Geisel and Dilma governments: The power of finance Souza, Angelita Matos
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| · Residential segregation in times of the "great neoliberal transformation". An approach to the case of the city of Neuquén, 1991-2001 Perren, Joaquín; Lamfre, Laura
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| · Entrepreneurship and its analysis in Colombia: A contextualized literature review Rodríguez, Omar
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| · Price movements in a pre-industrial economy: Popayán, viceroyalty of New Granada (Colombia), 1706-1819 Torres, James Vladimir
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