Management and Strategic Assessment |
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| · Constructing areas for exchange between the academic world and the market: a cultural pragmatic approach Tognato, Carlo
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| · Ethical codes: analysing the efficacy of implantation amongst quoted Spanish companies Valor, Carmen; de la Cuesta González, Marta
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| · he socioeconomic context, perceiving the educational context and study time regarding the results of learning in higher education Muñoz Sánchez, Esther
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| · Exploration and construction strategies for reading comprehension used by basic education students whilst reading texts in hypermedial format Henao Álvarez, Octavio; Ramírez Salazar, Doris Adriana
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| · The social company and its social responsibility Barrera Duque, Ernesto
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Management and Organizations |
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| · Mergers and acquisitions as growth strategy in the Colombian banking sector Rodríguez Romero, Carlos Alberto; Tovar Herrera, José Luis
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| · Reviewing the concept of strategic group and proposing a definition for applications in a Colombian setting Garcés Cano, Jorge Enrique; Duque Oliva, Edison Jair
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| · Incentives and disincentives in public transport systems in London, Madrid and Mexico City Rivas Tovar, Luis Arturo; Chávez Espejel, José Antonio; Maldonado Hernández, Berenice; Chávez, Adela; Carmona Tapia, Salvador; Cienfuegos Sarabia, Édgar Vicente; Molina Galicia, Dónovan
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Management and Strategic Assessment |
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| · Cuban, Colombian and Chile an participation in drug-trafficking networks in New York during the 1960s Sáenz Rovner, Eduardo
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Students´ Space |
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| · The subjective theory of value in accounting: comments about emotion-based evaluation Dueñas Gil, Nelson Javier
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| · Relationships between organisations and stakeholders: the need for mutual interaction between different interest groups Suárez Tirado, Jorge
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Critical Reviews |
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| · Las ventas y el mercadeo, actividades indisociables y de gran impacto social y económico.: El aporte de Tosdal Sanclemente Téllez, Juan Carlos
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| · Darío Mesa Chica y la ciencia social en Colombia Ladino Orjuela, Wilson Hernando
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