Editorial |
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| · Las responsabilidades del Legislativo con la paz Valencia Agudelo, Germán Darío
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General section |
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| · The Pacific Alliance and How Colombia Is Facing China’s Raise to Global Economic Superpower García Parra, Pío
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| · Chile, a Century of Struggle for the Democratization of the Regions. Minimized Representation and Transverse Centralism Ortiz González, Edison; Valenzuela Van Treek, Esteban
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| · The Effect of Economic Perceptions on Non-Conventional Political Participation in Chile in 2015 Espinoza Bianchini, Gonzalo; Navia, Patricio
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| · Elite Government Officials. The Creation of the Body of Government Administrator in Argentina Rizzo, Natalia
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| · The Uneasy Place of the Institutions in the Latin America “Populismology” Ramírez Gallegos, Franklin; Stoessel, Soledad
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| · Dike and Troubled Waters of Gaitanismo. Political Violence and Populism in the Mid-20th Century in Colombia Acosta Olaya, Cristian
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| · Local Responses from Identity to the Implementation of a State Extractive Project. The Cases of Támesis and Buriticá (Antioquia, Colombia) Maya Taborda, María
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| · Between Subsistences and Local Neo-Extractivism. Mining Dynamics in Northern Cauca, Colombia Valencia Peña, Inge Helena; Silva Chica, Laura
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| · The New Political Contenders in Municipal Council Elections in Colombia 2015. Impact of the Size of the Constituency on Municipal Councils Rodríguez Pico, Clara Rocío; Duque Franco, Isabel
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| · Incidence of the Political Parties for the Victory of the Blank Vote in the Bello-Antioquia Mayoral Elections in 2011 Palacio Vélez, Andrés Camilo
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| · Keys to the Rejection of the Referendum for Peace in Colombia Basset, Yann
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Book |
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| · Brachet-Márquez, Viviane y Uribe Gómez, Mónica (coords.). (2016). Estado y sociedad en América Latina. Acercamientos relacionales. México, D. F.: El Colegio de México. Vélez Rendón, Juan Carlos
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