Editorial |
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| · Metamorfosis de la revista científica. De impresa a electrónica Valencia Agudelo, Germán Darío; Flórez Mazo, Carlos Esteban
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General section |
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| · Private Government of Gold in Colombia. The Case of the Municipality of Buriticá, Antioquia Restrepo Parra, Adrián; Martínez Márquez, Wilmar
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| · Lights and Shadows in the Implementation of the Land Reform Agreement in Colombia Bedoya Bedoya, María Rocío
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| · Poverty and Rural Underdevelopment in Colombia. An Analysis from the Urban Bias Theory López Muñoz, Laura Vanessa
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| · Echoes from the Thirteen Colonies. From Taxation with Political Representation to Public Participation on Taxation Rúa Serna, Juan Camilo
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| · A Worthless Piece of Paper? Analysis of the Popular Legislative Initiative in Colombia Suárez Antón, Orestes; Welp, Yanina
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Thematic section |
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| · Elements for a Critique of the Policies Intended to Protect the Cultural Diversity Sarrazin, Jean Paul
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General section |
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| · International Organizations and their Power Resources. An Analytical Proposal Burgos Silva, José Germán
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| · Electoral Behavior Studies. What Explains the Turnout? State of the Art Bedoya Marulanda, John Fredy; Escobar Escobar, Juan Carlos; Sánchez Parra, Aura; Nieto Palacio, Felipe
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Thematic section |
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| · Elecciones 2017-2018 en América Latina ante el cambio de ciclo político Alcántara Saez, Manuel; Arenas Gómez, Juan Carlos
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| · Elections Under Suspicion. Analysis of the General Elections in Honduras 2017 Rodríguez, Cecilia Graciela
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| · Chronicle of an Announced Change. The 2017 Chile’s Elections Facing the Change in the Electoral System Cruz, Facundo; Varetto, Carlos
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| · Friction, (Re)Concentration and Conservative Consolidation after the 2018 Elections in Paraguay Solís Delgadillo, Juan Mario; Cerna Villagra, Sarah Patricia
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| · The 2018 Elections in Mexico and the Triumph of the National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) Aragón Falomir, Jaime; Fernández de Lara Gaitán, Alfredo Edmundo; Lucca, Juan Bautista
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