Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · Non-Invasive Method for Pregnancy Diagnosis in Odocoileus Virginianus Cervera-Hernández, P; Montes-Pérez, R. C; Victoria-Arceo, F.; Camacho-Reyes, J; Castillo-López, I. F
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| · Evaluation for Corrosion-Erosion in Austenitic and Martensitic Steels Aperador Chaparro, W; Bautista-Ruiz, J; Vargas Uscátegui, A
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| · Flocculatin with Chitosan of Microalgae Native of the Colombian Plateau Moreno, L. M; Muñoz Prieto, E; Casanova, H
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| · Degradation Assessment of Fluorapatite Surfaces Using Electrochemical Techniques Reyes Jaimes, L. J; González Romero, H. A; Sandoval Amador, A; Peña Ballesteros, D. Y; Estupiñán Durán, H. A
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| · Characterization of Bioaerosols in Administrative Buildings in Bogotá 2012-2013 Cardozo Becerra, R. Y; Araque Muñoz, L. G
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| · Lignin Electrotransformation Analysis in Bamboo "Angustifolia Kunth" from the Colombian Quindío Department Reyes Pineda, H; Rodríguez, J. A; Cardona Hernández, L. C
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| · Simplified Model of the Catastrophe Theory for the Landslides Study Castillo Daza, S. L; Naranjo Mayorga, F
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| · Functional Characterization of Mango Seeds Kernel (Mangifera indica L.) Chaparro Acuña, S.P; Lara Sandoval, A.E; Sandoval Amador, A; Sosa Suarique, S.J; Martínez Zambrano, J.J; Gil González, J.H
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| · Taxonomic Revision of the Subgenus Daphnia and Hyalodaphnia (Daphnia genus) using Molecular Markers and Barcodes (COI) Huertas Rodríguez, C. K; Arrieta Violeta, L
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| · Bromatological and Physicochemical Characterization of Physalis peruviana L., and its Potential as a Nutraceutic Food Cortés Díaz, G. M; Prieto Suárez, G. A; Rozo Nuñez, W. E
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| · Evaluating the Presence of Confounding in Some Members of the Exponential Family Acosta Avena, L. M; Salazar Uribe, J. C
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| · Chorological Novelties for Colombian and Ecuatorian Floras:Andropogon and Eleusine(Poaceae) Giraldo-Cañas, D
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| · Synthesis and Characterization of the La0,95Sr0,05CrO3 Vergara Estupiñán, O. C; Gómez Cuaspud, J. A
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| · Analysis of Dynamic Infrared Thermographies through the Application of Image Processing Techniques Pencue Fierro, E. L; Bravo Montenegro, D. A; Patiño Velasco, M. M
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