Editorial |
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| · Presentation
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Articles of reflection |
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| · Towns and nations: subjects of the independence Portillo Valdés, José María
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Article of scientific and technological |
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| · The take in of the Spaniard Constitution of 1812 in the pre-unified Italy: Cadiz as a pretext and a flag Butrón Prida, Gonzalo
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Review article |
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| · Approaches and perspectives on the independence and formation period of the State of Nuevo Reino de Granada, 1780-1816 Reyes Cárdenas, Catalina
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Articles of reflection |
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| · Immanence and transcendence in the Hispanic world. The case of New Granada Orrego Fernández, David
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Article of scientific and technological |
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| · The complaints of Mompox: strategic subordination, raise of provincial council and historiographic invention of absolute independence, 1805-1811 Gutiérrez Ardila, Daniel
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Articles of reflection |
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| · The Heads (Xefes) of the Pardos: the consolidation of an intermediate social sector during the independence of Cartegena de Indias Conde Calderón, Jorge
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Article of scientific and technological |
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| · The political function of public celebrations during the independence process of Colombia: in the search of legitimacy and loyalty, 1808-1825 Pita Pico, Roger
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| · Illiterate but republicans. The world of the school book in the Colombian Caribbean, 1857-1886 Alarcón Meneses, Luis
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| · The natural chief: power and authority in the Patía Valley, 1810-1850 Prado Arellano, Luis Ervin
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Review |
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| · Relaçion de las provinçias, çiudades y lugares que se contienen y comprehenden en el gobierno de Popayán, mandado a hazer por el governador don Lorenço de Villaquirán para remitir a Su Magestad [ca. 1635] Montoya Guzmán, Juan David
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| · Timothy Brook, Vermeer's Hat. The Seventeenth Century and the Dawn of the Global World (New York: Bloomsbury Press, 2008), 273 p. Gómez González, Sebastián
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| · Michelle Perrot, Mi historia de las mujeres (Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica), 2009, 248 p. Gutiérrez Urquijo, Natalia María
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| · Elena Fernández García, Mujeres en la guerra de la independencia (Madrid: Silex, 2010), 309 p. Giraldo Restrepo, Paula Andrea
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| · Gloria Espigado, Isabel Castells y María Cruz Romeo (coord.), Heroínas y patriotas. Mujeres de 1808 (Madrid: Cátedra, 2009), 482 p. Giraldo Restrepo, Paula Andrea
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Obituary |
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| · Adiós a todo aquello Hobsbawm, Eric
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| · Adios a Eric J. Hobsbawm (1917-2012) Gómez González, Sebastián
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