Editorial |
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| · La investigación jurídica y socio-jurídica de Uninorte al servicio del Caribe Gloria De Vivo, Silvia M; Universidad del Norte. División de Ciencias Jurídicas
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Research Articles |
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| · The role of the multinational oil extractive prior consultation with indigenous communities: : the experience in Colombia Castillo Meneses, Yadira
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| · The familiar regrouping in the Spanish Society from a Latin-American perspective Clavijo Suntura, Joel Harry
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| · Colombia, Spain, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador:: Social Security for the olderly Dueñas Ruiz, Oscar José
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| · The social movements from the perspective of the women and indigenous peoples. Analysis from the Colombian Constitutional Court Durango Álvarez, Gerardo A
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| · International law and victims of war crimes in Colombia Estupiñán Silva, Rosmerlín
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| · Measurement of quality in the judicial process adversarial criminal justice system in Colombia Hernández García, David
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| · The crime of human trafficking: Towards the implementation of international standards for prevention, judgement and integral assistance for colombian victims Londoño Toro, Beatriz; Varón Mejía, Antonio; Luna de Aliaga, Beatriz Eugenia
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| · The image held by the citizens of Barranquilla about the administration of justice and the role of judges in the resolution of conflict - 2010 Ramírez, María Lourdes; Llinás Solano, Humberto Jesús; Illera Santos, María de Jesús; Flórez Lozano, Karen
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| · Risks of electronic consumer advertising practices Rodríguez, Gladys
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| · Modulation of sentences as a means to articúlate the political opportunity of the Colombian Constitutional Court. The case of same-sex couples Sarmiento E., Juan Pablo
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| · Labor flexibility and business ethics Zúñiga Romero, Marjorie
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| · Legal issues surrounding the foreign element in the wake of heavy rains:: Comparative analysis of civil jurisprudence of Colombian Supreme Court and the Spanish Supreme Court Ariza Fortich, Alma
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