| Table of contents Revista médica Risaralda vol.24 no.1 Pereira Jan./June 2018 Original articles | | | | · Mental and physical components in college students with obesity Flórez-Aristizábal, Laura Victoria; González-Correa, Clara Helena
| | | | · Characterization of sexual violence treated at two provider of health care institutions of the municipality of Palmira-Valle Del Cauca, Colombia Pino-Dominguez, Ana Ligia; Cortes-Monsalve, Lilia; Salcedo-Cifuentes, Mercedes
| | | | · Risk Factors associated with congenital malformations: in a center of high complexity in a coffee region area in Colombia Ospina-Ramírez, Juan José; Castro-David, Mónica Isabel; Hoyos-Ortiz, Linn Karen; Montoya-Martínez, Juan José; Porras-Hurtado, Gloria Liliana
| | | | · Prevalence of depression symptoms in medical students of the medical program from the University of Caldas, Manizales-Colombia Molina-Correa, Yesid; Gómez -Puentes, Oscar; Bonilla-Pabón, Juliana; Ropero-Gutiérrez, Uriel; Vélez-Ríos, Duván Andrés; Salazar-Espinosa, Juan Felipe
| | | | · Breastfeeding determinants in women of a Colombian municipality Flórez-Salazar, Mateo; Orrego-Celestino, Luisa María; Revelo-Moreno, Santiago; Sánchez-Ortiz, Geraldine; Duque-Palacio, Laura; Montoya-Martínez, Juan José; Agudelo-Ramírez, Alexandrai
| | | | · Síndrome de Burnout en enfermeros del Hospital Universitario San José. Popayán: Burnout syndrome in nurses from the University Hospital San José. Popayán F. Muñoz, Sandra; Ordoñez-Villota, Jessica Nayive; Solarte-Moncayo, Martha Natalia; Valverde-Ceron, Yesica Carolina; Villarreal-Castro, Stephany; Zemanate-Perez, Martha Liliana
| | | | · Prevalence of chronic non-transmissible diseases in Trinidad - Casanare Castañeda-Porras, Oneida; Segura, Omar; Parra, Aida Yadira
| | | | · Design processes to reduce time in under guaranteed traumatological waiting list, Chilean Public Hospital Contreras Vielma, Alicia; Medina-Giacomozzi, Alex
| | | | · Semiology and differential diagnosis of chronic heart failure Umaña-Giraldo, Héctor Jairo; Jiménez-Salazar, Silvana; Buitrago-Toro, Kenny; Echeverry-Bolaños, Melissa
| | | Review articles | | | | · Pathophysiology of sexual desire disorder during climacteric Espitia De La Hoz, Franklin José; Orozco-Gallego, Hoover
| | | | · What is bullying Cano-Echeverri, Margarita María; Vargas-González, Jorge Enrique
| | | Cases | | | | · Optic neuritis in the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies of syphilitic origin: a forgotten diagnosis Alzate, John Alexander; Alvarez, María; Pantoja, Samir; Quintero, Liseth; Sanchez, Daniel
| | | | · Reporte de caso Nefropatía C1q Lemus-Barrios, Gustavo; Henao-Velásquez, Carlos
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