| Table of contents Ing. Desarro. vol.39 no.1 Barranquilla Jan./June 2021 Research article | | | | · Evaluation of concrete columns with the ultrasonic technique Solís Carcaño, Romel Gilberto
| | | | · Evaluation of the thermal performance of eco-friendly bricks fabricated with incorporation of mullite residues Villaquirán-Caicedo, Monica A.; Hernández-Rengifo, Erick; Agudelo, Kevin; Arias, Jonatan; Viera, María C .; Carvajal, David
| | | | · CyberDrone: a cybersecurity platform for drone attack detection Zapata-Madrigal, Germán D; García Sierra, Rodolfo
| | | | · Effect of M-QAM Modulation Technique for a Converged Network Infrastructure Radio over Fiber (RoF) Quilindo Méndez, Cristian David; Hoyos Zúñiga, Eduar Fernando; Gómez Agredo, Gustavo Adolfo
| | | | · Design of a guide tool based on continuous improvement methodologies applicable to SMEs in the dairy sector in Latin American y Caribbean countries Meraz Rivera, Luis Adelfo; Castiblanco Jiménez, Ivonne Angélica; Cruz González, Joan Paola; Mateo Díaz, Nicolás Francisco
| | | | · Mobile Application for the Identification of Street Dogs Using Image Recognition Based on Machine Learning Rojas Miñan, Michelle Stephanie; Rodríguez Dávila, Juan Jhair; Portillo, Lenis Rossi
| | | | · Forest Species with Agroforestry Potential in the Alto Mira and Frontera Community Council, in the Tumaco Municipality, Colombia Castillo Angulo, Keisha Dayan; Rincón Bravo, Karen Liliana; Yela Lara, Samia del Mar; Ordoñez Jurado, Héctor Ramiro
| | | | · ElectroFun: a Gamification-based Application to Support the ISO 55000 Asset Management System Implementation in Codensa Salazar-Zuluaga, Anderson; Zapata-Madrigal, Germán D; García Sierra, Rodolfo
| | | | · Development of an Automatic Container and Sorter for Recyclable Material as a Circular Economy Strategy in the Educational Context Salinas Osuna, Edna Yahile; Anacona Ortiz, Jhonier David; Patino Perdoho, Oscar Fabián; Hillán Rojas, Edwin Eduardo
| | | | · QoS (Quality of Service) and QoE (Quality of Experience) Study for Web Services Consumed from a Mobile Mashup Enriquez, Juan Gabriel; Casas, Sandra Isabel
| | | Review articles | | | | · Behavior Driven Development: Best Practices for Software Quality Soraluz Soraluz, Aldo Emanuel; Valles Coral, Miguel Ángel; Lévano Rodríguez, Danny
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