Articles |
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| · Authority Shapiro, Scott J
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| · A imagined Colombia Ramiro Avilés, Miguel A
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| · Memory, history and judicial truth in transitional justice in Colombia: A irresoluble paradox in the Colombian armed conflict Barbosa Delgado, Francisco R
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| · Economic Law Analysis and judicial activism: The case of the Colombian Constitutional Court Castaño Peña, Jairo Andrés
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| · Hidden capitalization in 2012's Colombian tax reform: A legal transplant or a legal monstrosity Castro Arango, José Manuel
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| · The construction of biotechnology policy in MERCOSUR Donadío Linares, Luciano M
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| · Territorial distribution of voting in different electoral systems Hernández Vidal, Augusto
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| · The Judgment C-557 of 2011 and the same-sex couple marriage Páez Ramírez, Manuel
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| · Carl Schmitt's political theology. A reading from his debate with Hans Kelsen Restrepo Ramos, Jorge C
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| · Citizen participation in conflict management Vargas Vaca, Héctor
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| · Constitutional Pluralism Acosta Alvarado, Paola Andrea
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| · Constitucionalismo sin Constitución, pluralismo sin pluralidad. Una réplica a Paola Andrea Acosta Alvarado Urueña, René
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