Articles |
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| · Are All of Us Vulnerable when Ageing? Legal Theory' Contributions for the Judicial Decision-Making DABOVE, MARÍA ISOLINA
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| · Fundamental Right to Dignified Death in Colombia. A Jurisprudential Correction to A Legislative Omission RESTREPO, JOHN FERNANDO; AICARDO VERGARA, SANTIAGO
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| · An Interpretative Model for the Progressive Enforcement of Social Constitutional Rights PORTOCARRERO QUISPE, JORGE ALEXANDER
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| · The Principle of Non-Discrimination in the Legal Systems of Spain and Ecuador GALIANO MARITAN, GRISEL
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| · The Communication of Constitutional Cases and it's Diffusion in Judicial Hierarchies: An Analysis of the Mexican Case MORALES RAMÍREZ, GLADYS F.
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| · Legal Foundations of the Pluri-National State: Reconfiguring Constitutionalism's Central Categories CHARNEY, JOHN; NÚÑEZ, MANUEL
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| · Parliamentary Control in Mexico SANTIAGO CAMPOS, GONZALO
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| · Constitutional Justice and Subnational Constitutionalism in Mexico CORTEZ SALINAS, JOSAFAT; SAAVEDRA HERRERA, CAMILO
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| · Fighting Corruption in Latin America and the Caribbean at a Supranational Level: Balances and Challenges of the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption HERNÁNDEZ G., JOSÉ IGNACIO
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| · Legal Globalization Facing Free Trade and Rural Development in Colombia INSIGNARES CERA, SILVANA; BOCANEGRA JIMÉNEZ, MARÍA ANDREA
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| · Constitutionalizing Legal Transnational Actors: A Theoretical Legal Model to Counter the Wild Powers of Deregulated Globalization MARTÍNEZ PINILLA, IVAN LEONARDO
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| · The Duties of Solidarity do not Judicially Justify the Civil Liability of the State in Colombia GIRALDO GÓMEZ, LUIS FELIPE
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Review |
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| · Cuando despertó, la representación política todavía estaba allí. A propósito de El sistema representativo. Las representaciones políticas y la transformación de la democracia parlamentaria, por Felipe Rey, Barcelona: Gedisa, 2023 CORTÉS-ARBELÁEZ, ALEJANDRO
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