| Table of contents educ.educ. vol.21 no.1 Chia Jan./Apr. 2018 Articles | | | | · Student Satisfaction in an Evaluation of the Quality of University Education Surdez-Pérez, Edith Georgina; Sandoval-Caraveo, María del Carmen; Lamoyi-Bocanegra, Clara Luz
| | | | · Teachers’ Ideas about Students and their Teaching Practices Borgobello, Ana; Sartori, Mariana; Sanjurjo, Liliana
| | | | · Crisis in the Teaching Profession in Colombia: Perceptions of Applicants to Other Professions Cabeza, Leonor; Zapata, Álvaro; Lombana, Jahir
| | | | · School Textbooks: Didactic Considerations Soaje de Elías, Raquel
| | | | · Interests of Training, Motivation and Sense of Life in Workers in the Process of Early Retirement Lucero Revelo, Sara Esperanza; Yarce Pinzón, Eunice
| | | | · Validation of a Teaching Skills and Aptitude Model for Instructors in the Field of Secondary Technical Education Romero-Jeldres, Marcela; Faouzi Nadim, Tarik
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