Editorial |
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| · Historic and Scientific Assertion of the Humanae Vitae, Fifty Years Later Gamboa-Bernal, Gilberto Alfonso
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Reflection Article |
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| · Reinventing Bioethics in a Post-humanist and Post-truth Society. The Present and Future of Bioethics Pichardo, Luz María
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| · Principlism, Personalist Bioethics and Principles of Action in Medicine and Health Services Insua, Jorge Tomás
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| · Family, Bioethics, and Contemporary Assertion of Rights Hoevel, Carlos
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| · Autonomism and Humanization of Health Care. Domestic partnership? García del Pozo, Julián Solís
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| · Care in personal flowering or personal development: reflections from the psychology for the bioethics of caring Hernáez-García, Milagrosa
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Health professionals and the patient death and die process: an integrating review Siqueira Perboni, Jéssica; Zilli, Francielly; Griebeler Oliveira, Stefanie
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Research Articles |
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| · Characterization of a Group of Research Ethics Committees in Colombia Suárez-Obando, Fernando; Reynales, Humberto; Urina, Miguel; Camacho, Jairo; Viteri, Mónica
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| · Existential Suffering of the Oncologic Patient in an Advanced Stage: Dimensions and Vertebral Axes for a Psychological Intervention García-Alandete, Joaquín; Hernández-Jiménez, María Jesús
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| · Tuberculosis in Latin America and the Caribbean: Reflections from Bioethics Muñoz del Carpio Toia, Agueda; Sánchez-Pérez, Héctor Javier; Vergès de López, Claude; Sotomayor-Saavedra, María Angélica; López-Dávila, Luis; Sorokin, Patricia
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Short articles |
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| · Humanae Vitae, Gender Ideology and Biotechnological Future Murcia-Lora, José María
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Bioethics in practice |
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| · Efficacy of Palliative Care in Pain Relieving Antueno, Pilar de; Silberberg, Agustín
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