| Sumário Rev. colomb. biotecnol v.13 n.1 Bogotá jan./jun. 2011 Editorial | | | | · ¿Todo tiempo pasado fue mejor? Cómo ha incidido la tecnología enzimática en el bienestar de la humanidad Ospina, Sonia A.
| | | Artigos/Investigação | | | | · Effect of pellet diameter and cell density on ethanol production with alginate immobilized yeast Jiménez, Martha V.; Zarkovic, Gabriella G.; Villena, Gretty K.; Gutiérrez-Correa, Marcel
| | | | · Prospect of the use of bacteria in the control Pyricularia grisea (Cooke Sacc.) on rice (Oriza sativa L.) Acebo Guerrero, Yanelis; Hernández-Rodríguez, Annia; Rives Rodríguez, Narovis; Velázquez del Valle, Miguel Gerardo; Hernández-Lauzardo, Ana Niurka
| | | | · Influence of bioreactor stability regions in the efficient production of fuel ethanol Paz Astudillo, Isabel Cristina; Cardona Alzate, Carlos Ariel
| | | | · Accumulation of mercury (Hg) by arrow cane (Gynerium sagittatum) (Aubl) Beauv. in vitro Ortega-Ortega, Rafael Esteban; Beltrán-Herrera, , Javier Darío; Marrugo-Negrete, José Luis
| | | | · Study of genetic polymorphism of the bone marrow and the central nervous system of rats cells by RAPD technique Alberti, Esteban; Fraga, Jorge; García, Rocío; Hernández, Elizabeth; de la Cuetara, Karelys; Castillo, Lázara; Serrano, Teresa
| | | | · Utilization of Candida guilliermondii isolated of corozo chiquito (Bactris guineensis) in the production of xylitol Herazo Camaño, Irina Cristina; Ruiz Cárdenas, Danella; Arrázola Paternina, Guillermo Segundo
| | | | · Biotransformation of low rank coal by bacteria isolated from environments influenced by coal residue Valero Valero, Nelson Osvaldo; Beleño Carrillo, Jocelyn; Mancilla, Sandra
| | | | · β-glucoside production by thermophilic bacteria indigenous the bolivian altiplano culture Casablanca Alarcón, Esther; Ríos Manríquez, Neida; Terrazas Siles, Enrique; Álvarez Aliaga, Ma. Teresa
| | | | · In vitro response of different biotypes and explants of Passiflora caerulea L. Severin, Cecilia; Bueno, Mirian; Santín, Franco; Giubileo, María Graciela
| | | | · In vitro germination of Vanilla planifolia and V. pompona hybrids Menchaca G., Rebeca A.; Ramos P., José M.; Moreno M., David; Luna R., Mauricio; Mata R., Martín; Vázquez G., Luis Miguel; Lozano R., Miguel A.
| | | | · Incidence of potyvirus and molecular characterization of PVY in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) growing regions of Colombia Gil, José Fernando; Cotes, José Miguel; Marín, Mauricio
| | | | · Multiplicación en sistemas de inmersión temporal y enraizamiento ex vitro de ocumo blanco (Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott) Vilchez, Jorge; Albany, Nilca; Martínez, Leonardo; Molina, Miguel; Pirela, Carolina; Molina, Mireya; Alvarez, Carlos; Chirinos, Jorge
| | | | · Effect of nutrients in the biomass production of the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum Torres López, Ana María; Quintero Díaz, Juan Carlos; Atehortua Garcés, Lucía
| | | | · The genomic identification of Colombian Acinetobacter baumannii clinical isolates by RFLP-PCR analysis of the 16S-23S rRNA gene spacer region Hernández, María Andrea; Valenzuela, Emilia María; Pulido, Ingrid Yamile; Reguero, María Teresa; Restrepo, Silvia; Gualtero Trujillo, Sandra; Santofimio Sierra, Dagoberto; Ramirez Plazas, Martha; Quintero, Luz Eneida; Mantilla, José Ramón
| | | | · Detection, identification and geographical localization of tomato-infecting Begomovirus in Colombia Vaca-Vaca, Juan Carlos; Betancurt-Pérez, Jhon Fredy; López-López, Karina
| | | | · Obtaining of cell suspensions and somatic embryos of coffee (Coffea canephora P.) using of bacterial metabolites González Vega, María Esther; Castilla Valdés, Yanelis; Hernández Rodríguez, Annia
| | | Artigos curtos | | | | · Adaptation of a strain Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans compatible on concentrates of chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), sphalerite (ZnS) and galena (PbS) Mejía, E.; Ospina, J. D.; Osorno, B. L.; Márquez, M. A.; Morales, A. L.
| | | | · First report of susceptibility of natural rubber clone FX-3864 a Microcyclus ulei en la altillanuera colombiana García, Ibonne A.; Castro, Olga M.; Aristizábal, Fabio; Tapiero, Aníbal L.
| | | | · Evaluation of the dynamics of the growth in vitro callus of Ipomoea batatas González Paneque, Orlando S.; Hernández Espinosa, Margarita; Silva Pupo, Juan J.; Espinosa Reyes, Ángel
| | | | · Biofertilizer effect of the prepared from vegetales wastes -diazotroph native bacterium on biometrics variables of Rhapanus sativus seedlings Lara Mantilla, Cecilia; García Támara, Liliana Pahola; Oviedo Zumaqué, Luis E
| | | | · Evaluation of effect of various strains of yeast (Montrachet, K1-V1116, EC-1118, 71B-1122 y IVC-GRE ®) and clearer on the sensory attributes orange wine (Citrus sinensis) Olivero, Rafael E; Aguas M., Yelitza; Cury R., Katia
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