| Table of contents Rev. colomb. biotecnol vol.13 no.2 Bogotá July/Dec. 2011 Articles/Research | | | | · Biotecnología en salud: versiones y dimensiones Reguero Reza, María Teresa
| | | | · Knowledge-Based System Model to Support Diabetes Research and Clinical Process Hernández Medrano, Alfonso; Urriolagoitia Calderón, Guillermo; Hernández Simón, Luis Manuel; Hernández Gómez, Luis Héctor
| | | | · Culture of Chlorella vulgaris using soy waste and applying a magnetic field Cultivo de C. vulgaris con soja y CM Gómez Luna, Liliana; Álvarez, Inaudis; Rivero, Roger
| | | | · Regeneration through somatic embryogenesis of an elite colombian Theobroma cacao L. variety Urrea Trujillo, Aura Inés; Atehortúa Garcés, Lucía; Gallego Rúa, Adriana María
| | | | · Evaluation of molecular markers associated with resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans L.) in diploid and tetraploid potatoes Juyó, D. K.; Gerena, H. N.; Mosquera, T.
| | | | · Identification of polymorphisms in RXam2 a cassava bacterial blight resistance gene candidate Contreras, Elízabeth; López, Camilo
| | | | · Custom design of a myoelectric interface for upper limb prostheses Torres-San-Miguel, Christopher René; Velázquez-Sánchez, Alejandro Tonatiu; Lugo-González, Esther; Tapia-Herrera, Ricardo
| | | | · Analysis of polyhydroxyalkanoate synthases (PhaC1 and PhaC2) in a strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens IBUN S1602 isolated from Colombian soil. Serrano Riaño, Julieth; Sastoque Rivera, Luz Ángela; Montoya Castaño, Dolly; Moreno Sarmiento4, Nubia
| | | | · Multiplication in temporary immersion system cocoyam clone "Viequera" (Xanthosoma spp.) Santos Pino, Arletys; Cabrera Jova, Manuel; Gómez Kosky, Rafael; López Torres, Jorge; Rayas Cabrera, ManuelAymé; Basail Pérez, Manuel Milagros; Medero Vega, Manuel Víctor; Beovides García., Yoel
| | | | · Establishment of the conditions for the bone marrow cells transplants in a model of Huntington´s disease and functional effect on the motor behavior Serrano Sánchez, Dra. Teresa; Blanco Lezcano, DrC. Lisette; Alberti Amador, DrC. Esteban; Díaz Armesto, Dr. Iván; Pavón Fuente, DrC. Nancy; Lorigados Pedre, DrC. Lourdes; González Fraguela, Dra. María Elena; Montero León, Dr. Jorge Felipe; Francis Turner, DrC. Liliana; Fernández Verdecia, Lic. Ivette
| | | | · Antifungal activity of chitosan and essential oils on Rhizopus stolonifer (Ehrenb.:Fr.) Vuill causal agent of soft rot of tomato Alvarado Hernández, Alejandra María; Barrera Necha, Laura Leticia; Hernández Lauzardo, Ana Niurka; Velázquez del Valle, Miguel Gerardo
| | | | · Quorum sensing in beneficial plant-bacteria associations Rojas Badía, Marcia M.
| | | | · Characterization of a Mutant Bacillus thuringiensis δ-endotoxin With Enhanced Stability and Toxicity Hussain, Syed-Rehan A.; Flórez, Álvaro M.; Osorio, Cristina; Deanautor, Donald H.; Alzate, Óscar
| | | | · Depressive effect of the causative agents of dry rot in plants grown in vitro from malanga (Xanthosomasagittifolium) Espinosa Cuellar, Ernesto; Herrera Isla, Lidcay; FolguerasMontiel, Maryluz; Cabrera Jova, Manuel; Espinosa Cuéllar, Alberto; FandiñoCachemaille, Yosbel
| | | Short articles | | | | · Effectiveness of cowpea rhizobial strains under different phosphorus regimes Mayz Figueroa, Juliana
| | | | · Evaluation of germination and seedling Growth of Chiltepín (Capsicum annuum L variedad glabriusculum) greenhouse Araiza Lizarde, Nidia; Araiza Lizarde, Evelia; Martínez Martínez, Juan Guillermo
| | | | · Molecular and agronomic characterization of Trichoderma spp natives of northeastern Mexico Hernández Mendoza, José Luis; Sánchez Pérez, , María Isabel; García Olivares, Jesús Gerardo; Mayek Pérez, Netzahualcoyotl; González Prieto, Juan Manuel
| | | | · Direct organogenesis in vitro from leaves of Solanum nudum Dunal - Antiplasmodial plant Suárez Cardoso, Oscar Manuel; Naranjo Gómez, Esther Julia; Atehortúa Garcés, Lucía; Blair Trujillo, Silvia
| | | | · Minimum inhibitory concentration of higromycin B in rice embryogenic calli (Oryza sativa L.) Barbosa Cepeda, Iván Darío; Chaparro Giraldo, Alejandro
| | | | · Particle size, iron concentration and pH influence in biodesulfurization process of coal - laboratory tests Caicedo Pineda, Gerardo Andrés; Márquez Godoy, Marco Antonio; Moreno Herrera, Claudia Ximena
| | | | · Minimum inhibitory concentration of kanamycin of four varieties of Colombian rice calli -Granados D., Cristina Diaz; -Giraldo, , Alejandro Chaparro
| | | | · Optimization of a culture medium for micropropagated plants ofDioscorea alata L. Borges García, Misterbino; Destrade Batista, , Reisel; Meneses Rodríguez, , Silvio; Gómez Kosky, , Rafael; Malaurie, Bernard; Hamon, , Perla; Charles Demenorval, Louis
| | | | · Factors affecting in vitro somatic embryogenesis of palms (Arecaceae) Viñas, María; M. Jiménez, Víctor
| | | | · Use of human fibrinogen in the generation of scaffold for obtaining Tissue equivalents Malagón, Dionisio; Cardozo, Carmen; Godoy, Rubén
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