| Sumário Rev. colomb. biotecnol vol.14 no.2 Bogotá jul./dez. 2012 Editorial | | | | · Three decades of biotechnology in Colombia Buitrago Hurtado, Gustavo
| | | Artigos/Investigação | | | | · Biotechnology as a tool for propagation, con-servation and genetic breeding in guava Valdés-Infante Herrero, Juliette; Rodríguez Medina, Narciso Nerdo; González, Lien; Velázquez Palenzuela, Josefa Bárbara; Rivero Rodríguez, Domingo; Sourd Martínez, Darío Gaspar; Martínez González, Felina; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Julio Alberto
| | | | · Somatic Embryogenesis and friable embryogenic callus production in two cassava cultivars (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Ochoa, Juan Camilo; Chavarriaga, Paul; López, Camilo
| | | | · First report of the employment of AFLP markers in Asteraceae in Cuba. Montalvo Fernández, Grecia; Quiroz Moreno, Adriana; Rojas Jiménez, Luis; Quiala Mendoza, Elisa; Mederos Oroza, Reinaldo; Morffi Mestre, Hernán; Sánchez-Teyer, Lorenzo Felipe
| | | | · Presence of the transposable genetic element dTdic1 in Dianthus caryophyllus with variegated and no variegated flowers López Castro, Karen Rocío; Franco-Lara, Liliana
| | | | · Tissue culture of Piper sp. (Piperaceae): in vitro propagation, organogenesis and germplasm conservation Delgado-Paredes, Guillermo E.; Kato, Massuo J.; Vásquez-Dueñas, Nancy; Minchala-Patiño, Julia; Rojas-Idrogo, Consuelo
| | | | · In vitro plant regeneration of Spartina argentinensis Parodi Bueno, Mirian Susana; Sorrequieta, Juan Ignacio; Feldman, Susana Raquel; A. Ortiz, Juan Pablo
| | | | · Characterization of lignocellulose-degrading rare actinobacteria: demostration of laccase activity in two isolates of Tsukamurella sp and Cellulosimicrobium sp Revollo Escudero, Enrique Luis; Serna Daza, Oriana Danuta; Hernández Torres, Jorge
| | | | · Halotolerant alkalophilic and indolacetic acid producing bacteria associated with Arthrospira platensis (Cyanophyceae) Gómez Gómez, Liliana Cecilia; Valero Valero, Nelson; Morales Avendaño, Ever
| | | | · Identification of polyhydroxyalkanoate-producing bacteria in soils contaminated with fique wastes Sánchez Moreno, Silvia Alexandra; Marín Montoya, Mauricio Alejandro; Mora Martínez, Amanda Lucía; Yepes Pérez, María del Socorro
| | | | · Effect of two cytokinin, ascorbic acid and sucrose to obtain in vitro shoots of sorghum for calli formation Martínez Medina, Silvio de Jesús; Gómez Kosky, Rafael; Posada Pérez, Laisyn; Barbón Rodríguez, Raúl; Acosta Suárez, Maira; Reyes Vega, Maritza; Pérez Benitez, Martha; Torres Rodíguez, Damaris; Pons Corona, Mileidys; La O Cardenas, Mariana; Aguilera Chávez, Annerys; Tejeda González, Miguel
| | | | · Performance of a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) in the treatment of domestic sewage Cárdenas, Carmen; Yabroudi, Suher Carolina; Benítez, Andreina; Páez, Katiuska; Perruolo, Tomás; Angulo, Nancy; Araujo, Ismenia; Herrera, Lenín
| | | | · In vitro culture response of Zamia incognita, an alternative for preservation I. Urrea, Aura; Gomez, Sonia; Naranjo, Esther J.
| | | | · Auxiliary system for positioning the stereotactic frame to the skull Nieto-Miranda, J Jesús; Sánchez-Aguilar, Jöns; Carbajal-Romero, Manuel Faraón; Castañeda-Infante, Héctor
| | | Artigos curtos | | | | · Influence of light type and intensity on induction and proliferation of somatic embryos in soybean Pérez Pérez, Jorge Liusvert; Blanco Tirado, Teresa del Socorro; García Rodríguez, Lourdes; Veitía Rodríguez, Novisel; Bermúdez Caraballoso, Idalmis; Collado, Raúl
| | | | · Quantification of cultivable bacteria by the "Massive Stamping Drop Plate" method Corral-Lugo, Andrés; Morales-García, Yolanda Elizabeth; Pazos-Rojas, Laura Abisaí; Ramírez-Valverde, Araceli; Martínez-Contreras, Rebeca Débora; Muñoz-Rojas, Jesús
| | | Revisão | | | | · Statins: Biological activity and biotechnological production. Chegwin-Angarita, Carolina; Nieto-Ramírez, Ivonne J.; Atehortúa, Lucia; Sepúlveda A., Liuda J.
| | | | · Methods and agricultural uses of genetic engineering applied to rice crop DiazGranados D., Cristina; Chaparro-Giraldo, Alejandro
| | | Artigos curtos | | | | · Evaluation of Curcuma longa L. plants obtained by tissue culture in organoponic conditions. Espinosa Reyes, Ángel L.; Silva Pupo, Juan J.; Borges García, Misterbino; González Paneque, Orlando; Pérez Pérez, Jorge; Fajardo Rosabal, Lillien
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