| Sumário Rev. colomb. biotecnol vol.15 no.1 Bogotá jan./jun. 2013 Editorial | | | | · 10 años de la secuenciación del genoma humano: Encuentro entre el imaginario y la realidad Reguero Reza, Ma. Teresa
| | | Artigos/Investigação | | | | · Isolated cellulolytic bacteria in the gut termites (Nasutitermes nigriceps) with probiotic characteristics and potential pasture degradation Lara Mantilla, Cecilia; Acosta Pineda, Roberto Carlos
| | | | · Evaluation of the mutagenic potential of biocides (vertimec and pentachloro) on onion Berrocal, Alfredo M.; Blas, Raúl H.; Flores, Joel; Siles, María A.
| | | | · Numerical analysis on stresses and contact areas in a TKR Scorpio II® of Stryker®. Basis to design of customized TKR in accordance to Mexican Phenotype Rodríguez-Martínez, Rafael; Urriolagoitia Sosa, Guillermo; Torres-San-Migue, Christopher René; Hernández Gómez, Luis Héctor; Urriolagoitia Calderón, Guillermo
| | | | · Characterization of chemosensitivity profile gene amplification status of a panel of lung cancer cell lines Morantes, Sandra Johanna; Perdomo, Sandra; Carrillo, Edward Fabián; Aristizábal, Fabio
| | | | · Differential molecular diagnosis Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Fusarium oxysporum in yam (Dioscorea sp.). Pinzón Gutiérrez, Yeimy Alexandra; Bustamante, Silvia Lizette; Buitrago Hurtado, Gustavo
| | | | · Characterization of Biodiesel obtained from waste cooking oil Murcia Ordoñez, Betselene; Chaves, Luis Carlos; Rodríguez-Pérez, Wilson; Andredy Murcia, Miguel; Alvarado, Edna Rocío
| | | | · Comparison of RNA isolation methods for Potato yellow vein virus (PYVV) detection by RT-PCR in different organs of Solanum tuberosum Group Phureja Hernández Guzmán, Anngie Katherine; Guzmán-Barney, María Mónica
| | | | · Expression and purification of rotavirus structural proteins VP5* and VP8* in bacteria E. coli BL21(DE3) Moreno, Luz Yurany; Guerrero, Carlos Arturo; Acosta, Orlando
| | | | · New alternative for micropropagation in temporary immersion system of plantain cultivar "INIVITPV-2011" (AAB). Basail Pérez, Milagros; Medero Vega, Victor; Torres Delgado, Marlenys; López Torres, Jorge; Santos Pino, Arletys; Rayas Cabrera, Aymé; Bauta Toledo, Maricel; Beovidez García, Yoel; Ortega Ortiz, Alexi
| | | | · Evaluation of cellulolytic enzymes produced by native fungi through solid state fermentation (SSF) using sugarcane harvesting residues Escudero Agudelo, Janneth; Daza Merchán, Zunny Tatiana; Gil Zapata, Nicolás Javier; Mora Muñoz, Oscar Yesid
| | | | · Importance of strain and concentration range of conidia in the effect of Trichoderma asperellum on the growth of tomato seedlings Solanum lycopersicum L. Gómez Ramírez, Sonia Elena; Gilchrist Ramelli, Elizabeth; Reynaldi, Sebastián
| | | | · In vitro inhibition from native isolates of Trichoderma against commercial strain T22. Ortiz - Martínez, Jesús; Hernández - Ramírez, Gabriela; Cruz - Tobón, Marisol; Figueroa - Rodríguez, Katia Angélica; Figueroa - Sandoval, Benjamín; Hernández - Rosas, Francisco
| | | Artigos curtos | | | | · Characterization of Opuntia ficus-indica for using as a natural coagulant Villabona Ortiz, Ángel; Paz Astudillo, Isabel Cristina; Martínez García, Jasser
| | | | · Detection of Ca Liberibacter solanacearum and phytoplasma in potato crop (Solanum tuberosum L.) in Toluca Valley Gutiérrez-Ibáñez, Ana Tarin; Sánchez Pale, Jesús Ricardo; Laguna Cerda, Antonio; Ramírez Dávila, José Francisco; Balbuena Melgarejo, Artemio; Alvarado Gómez, Omar Guadalupe
| | | | · Evaluation of the stability of Trichoderma sp. and Azotobacter sp. preserved by different methods Sarmiento Rangel, Yvonne; Hazel Vergel, Ariadna; Cárdenas Caro, Diana María
| | | | · Growth and biochemical composition of Limnothrix sp. at different salinities and concentrations of nitrate Lemus, Nathalie; Guevara, Miguel; Lodeiros, César; Vásquez, Aleikar; Freites, Luis; Licet, Berenice
| | | | · Mannitol and silver nitrate effect of taro (Xanthosoma spp.) in vitro conservation Rayas, Aymé; Cabrera, Manuel; Santos, Arletys; Basail, Milagros; López, Jorge; Medero, Víctor; Beovides, Yoel
| | | | · Comparison of DNA extraction methods from formalin-fixed paraffin sections for RCP amplification Baena Del Valle, Javier Alonso; Ramos Moreno, Álvaro José; Gómez Alegría, Claudio Jaime; Gómez Camargo, Doris Esther
| | | Revisão | | | | · Endospore formation in Clostridium and its interaction with solventogenesis Pérez Mancilla, Ximena; Montoya Castaño, Dolly
| | | Bionotas | | | | · Somatic embryogenesis of Citrus macrophylla Wester using Pectimorf® and analogues of brassinosteroids Bao Fundora, Lourdes; Hernández Ortiz, Reina M.; Diosdado Salcés, Esther; Román Gutiérrez, María I.; González Arencibia, Clara; Rojas Álvarez, Alejandro; Rodríguez Valdés, Alianny
| | | Revisão | | | | · Tecnoparque SENA A biotechnology bet available to everybody Gaviria, María Isabel; Gutiérrez, Johana; Montoya, Carolina
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