Editorial |
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| · Biotechnology Institute: Leader in Research, Development and Innovation Montoya Castaño, Dolly
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Artigos/Investigação |
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| · Optimizing conditions for biolistic inoculation of Begomovirus in tomato and tobacco López-López, Karina; Rodríguez-Mora, Diana Milena; Vaca-Vaca, Juan Carlos
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| · Metabolic Flows Balance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae based on Intracellular Compartmentalization Vargas García, César Augusto; García Sánchez, Carlos Eduardo; Arguello Fuentes, Henry; Torres Sáez, Rodrigo Gonzalo
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| · Genetic transformation study in climbing pea Santa Isabel cultivar Peñaranda, María Isabel; Ligarreto, Gustavo Adolfo; Nuñez, Víctor Manuel
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| · Urea fed-batch cultures of the cyanobacterium Phormidium sp. as a function of the salinity and age of cultures Jonte, Lorena; Rosales-Loaiza, Néstor; Bermúdez-González, José; Morales, Ever
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| · Study of the mixing conditions in bioreactor for blastospores production of Beauveria bassiana García-Gutiérrez, Cipriano; González-Maldonado, María Berenice; Medrano-Roldán, Hiram; Solís-Soto, Aquiles
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| · Effect of culture medium consistence and silver nitrate on micropropagation of two potato (Solanum tuberosum) cultivars Alva Ticona, Sandra; Oropeza, Maira
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| · Antimicrobial activity of Weisella confusa and its metabolites against Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae Serna Cock, Liliana; Enríquez Valencia, Cruz Elena
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| · Obtaining size-controlled microcapsules by ionic gelation with high and low acyl gellans containing Lactococcus lactis González, Rafael E; Salazar, Juan A; Pérez, Jaime A
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| · Evaluation of growth promoting rhizobacteria under different fertilization schemes in maize variety HIMECA-95 Valery, Alexis; Reyes, Isbelia
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| · Effective β-lactam antibiotics for Agrobacterium tumefaciens suppression in indica rice calli Pérez Bernal, Maylin; Abreu Remedios, Daymi; Valdivia Pérez, Onel; Delgado Rigo, Magalis; Armas Ramos, Raúl
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| · Evaluation of different in vitro culture media in the development of Phalaenopsis hybrid (Orchidaceae) Salazar Mercado, Seir Antonio; Amaya Nieto, Anggy Zulay; Barrientos Rey, Fernando
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| · Evaluation of oxygen transfer in a conventional bioreactor with external aerator Buitrago H., Gustavo; Otálvaro A., Ángela M; Duarte B., Paola G.
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| · Characterization of diazotrophic phosphate solubilizing bacteria as growth promoters of maize plants López-Ortega, Mónica del Pilar; Criollo-Campos, Paola Jimena; Gómez-Vargas, Ruth Milena; Camelo-Rusinque, Mauricio; Estrada-Bonilla, Germán; Garrido-Rubiano, María Fernanda; Bonilla-Buitrago, Ruth
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| · Cell cultures of Choiba Dipteryx oleifera Benth Murillo Gómez, Paola A; Atehortúa, Lucía
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| · In vitro compatibility of the biopesticide based on Lecanicillium lecanii (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) with agrochemicals used in cotton and eggplant crops Santos, Adriana; Grijalba, Erika; Zuluaga, María Victoria; Gómez, Martha; Villamizar, Laura
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Revisão |
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| · Baculovirus: Hosts and specificity Gómez Valderrama, Juliana; Villamizar, Laura
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| · Incursion of Biotechnology in education: Tendencies and implications Roa Acosta, Robinson; Valbuena Ussa, Édgar Orlay
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| · A review on the production of taxoids anti-cancer of callus and cells of Taxus spp. in cultures in vitro Barrales Cureño, Hebert Jair; Ramírez Sepúlveda, Marco Favio
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Artigos curtos |
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| · Identification of the white rot agent in Morelos, Mexico Hernández Mendieta, Ernesto; Guillén Sánchez, Dagoberto; López Martínez, Víctor; Alia Tejacal, Irán; Andrade Rodríguez, María; Villegas Torres, Oscar Gabriel; Martínez Fernández, Edgar; Huerta Lara, Manuel; Segura Miranda, Antonio
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| · Comparison of two ADN extraction methods from plants belonging Solanum genus Leptostemonum subgenus Cadavid Sánchez, Isabel Cristina; Rosero García, Doris Amanda; Uribe Soto, Sandra Inés
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| · Embryos rescue for the obtaining of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) vitroplants Hernández Rendón, César Augusto; Salazar Marín, Yesica; Restrepo Betancur, Luis Fernando
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