| Sumário Rev. colomb. biotecnol vol.16 no.1 Bogotá jan./jun. 2014 Editorial | | | | · DNA sequencing: historical and technical considerations Reguero Reza, María Teresa
| | | Artigos/Investigação | | | | · Cr(VI) adsorption by Cocos nucífera L. in wastewater of fibrocement from Santiago de Cuba Pérez Silva, Rosa María; Calzado Lamela, Orlindes; Cascaret Carmenaty, Dannis Adrián; Tur Naranjo, Enieyis
| | | | · Computer-aided design of bromelain and papain covalent immobilization Cutiño-Avila, Bessy; Gil Pradas, Dayrom; Aragón Abreu, Carlos; Fernández Marrero, Yuniel; Hernández de la Torre, Martha; Salas Sarduy, Emir; Chávez Planes, María de los Ángeles; Guisán Seijas, José Manuel; Díaz Brito, Joaquín; del Monte-Martínez, Alberto
| | | | · Micropropagation of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, a natural sweetener, through pre existing meristem explants Suarez, Isidro E.; Quintero, Irma R.
| | | | · Purification and characterization of lipopolysaccharide from Eikenella corrodens 23834 and Porphyromonas gingivalis W83 Gualtero Escobar, Diego Fernando; Porras Gaviria, Jeimy Paola; Bernau Gutierrez, Sebastian; Buitrago Ramírez, Diana Marcela; Castillo Perdomo, Diana Marcela; Lafaurie Villamil, Gloria Ines
| | | | · Healing effect of a chitosan-based gel obtained from the exoskeleton of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei and its evaluation in vivo Martínez Sánchez, Heimy Franceline; Escobedo Lozano, Amada Yerén; Méndez-Gómez, Evaristo; Vázquez, Alfredo Emmanuel; Sol Hernández, Manuel de Jesús; Osuna Lizárraga, Anahí Elizabeth
| | | | · Stimulation of cardenolides production in Digitalis purpurea L. shoot cultures by elicitors addition Pérez-Alonso, Naivy Lisbet; Arana Labrada, Franklyn; Capote Pérez, Alina; Pérez Pérez, Anabel; Sosa, Rafael; Mollineda, Angel; Jiménez González, Elio
| | | | · Morphological characterization and resistance evaluation to Fusarium oxysporum in wild species Solanum genera Lycopersicon section Morales Palacio, María Natalia; Espinosa López, Georgina; Morales Astudillo, Ángel Rafael; Sánchez Masache, Byron Rafael; Jiménez Castillo, Ángel Miguel; Milián-García, Yoamel
| | | | · Potato yellow vein virus detection in different organs of Solanum tuberosum Phureja group cv Criolla Colombia by conventional and real time qRT-PCR Hernández-Guzmán, Anngie Katherine; Guzmán- Barney, M. Mónica
| | | | · Advances in vitro propagation via somatic embryogenesis of Psychotria ipecacuanha (Brot.) Stokes, medicinal plant critically endangered Naranjo, Esther J.; Urrea, Aura I.; Atehortua, Lucia
| | | | · First foray into the production of specific pathogen-free guinea pigs in Cuba González Navarro, Bárbara O; Forte Miranda, Cándida; Rojas, Ramón Alonso; Alfonso Montero, Antonio; Francis Turner, Liliana; Arteaga Pérez, María Elena; Riera Ojeda, Layna
| | | | · New methodology for the formulation of the vaccine Heberpenta-L Díaz, Imeray; Villegas, Maikel; Hidalgo, Luis Carlos
| | | | · Antibacterial activity of chitosan acid solutions obtained from shrimp exoskeleton Pérez Cordero, Alexander; Rojas Sierra, Johanna; Rodriguez Ruiz, Johana; Arrieta Alvarez, Irma; Arrieta Alvarez, Yenis
| | | | · Evaluation of pathogenicity Xenorhabdus spp. natives in Colombia Guerra S., Beatriz Elena; Chacón, Julie Giovanna; Muñoz F., Jaime Eduardo; Caicedo, Ana Milena
| | | | · Study of freedom to operate for a genetically modified potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) line Hincapié Rojas, Viviana Patricia; Chaparro-Giraldo, Alejandro
| | | | · Influence of 6-Benzyladenine and gelling agent on the reduction of hyperhydricity in Tectona grandis L. Quiala, Elisa; Jiménez-Tello, Marco V.; Barbón, Raúl; Chávez, Maité; de Feria, Manuel; La O, Mariana; Pérez, Marta
| | | | · Evaluation of acid whey fermentation (whole and deproteinized) using Lactobacillus casei Cury Regino, Katia; Arteaga Márquez, Margarita; Martínez Flórez, Guillermo; Luján Rhenals, Deivis; Durango Villadiego, Alba
| | | | · Faster autotrophic growth of anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing microorganisms in presence of nitrite, using inocula from Colombia Sanchez, Jaime; Sanabria, Janeth; Jetten, Mike
| | | | · Identification, cloning and lactonase activity of recombinant protein of N-acyl homoserine lactonase (AiiA) from Bacillus thuringiensis 147-115-16 strain M. Florez, Alvaro; Gonzalez, Adriana; Pedroza, Carmen J.; Correa, Elizabeth; Rueda, Nohora J.; Orduz, Sergio
| | | Artigos curtos | | | | · Ethanol production from cassava using very high gravity conditions (VHG) Esquivia Mercado, Mabel Betariz; Castaño Peláez, Hader Ivan; Atehortua Garcés, Lucía; Acosta Cárdenas, Alejandro; Mejía Gómez, Carlos Eduardo
| | | | · Optimization of culture media QBP to the production of biomass of consortium BIOYAF Barrios San Martín, Yaima; Acosta Días, Silvia; González Hernández, Francisca; Hayes García, Ranyer
| | | | · Microbial consortium native catalytically active for removal of indigo and surfactants in textile industry wastewater through an immobilization matrix Guerrero Porras, Liliana; Serna, Elizabeth; Cardona Gallo, Santiago; Cadavid -Restrepo, Gloria; Suárez, Camilo; Quintero-Rendón, Luz
| | | Revisão | | | | · Biological role and applications of miRNAs in breast cancer Ariza Márquez, Yeimy Viviana; Beltrán López, Ángela Patricia; Briceño Balcázar, Ignacio; Ancizar Aristizabal, Fabio
| | | Bionotas | | | | · Dichloride of mercury as a disinfectant in the micropropagation of cumin (Aniba perutilis Hemsley) Beltrán Pedroza, Diana Marcela; Mesa López, Neftalí
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