| Table of contents Psicol. caribe no.223 Barranquilla Jan./June 2009 Editorial | | | | | | | Original articles | | | | · Malingering neurocugnitive dysfunction in the field of forensic neuropsychology. Theoretical approximations Puerta Lopera, Isabel Cristina; Betancur Arias, Juan Diego; Herrera Pino, Jorge Alfredo
| | | | · Laboral competences of the javeriana university psychologists in different applied areas: clinical, educational, social and organizational Uribe Rodríguez, Ana Fernanda; Aristizabal Motta, Andrea; Barona Henao, Alexandra; López Lesmes, Claudia Natalia
| | | | · Evolution and creativity Torres Laborde, José Luis; Rosillo Ricardo, Lourdes
| | | | · Working memory and academic achievement in freshmen students of a university in barranquilla Zapata, Luis Felipe; De Los Reyes, Carlos; Lewis, Soraya; Barceló, Ernesto
| | | | · Mental health: an approach from the current perspective of health psychology Mebarak, Moisés; De Castro, Alberto; Salamanca, María del Pilar; Quintero, María Fernanda
| | | | · Transformations regarding the discourse, educational practices, attitudes and social relationships of conmunity mothers from de icbf(colombian institute of family WELFARE). "Pueblo Viejo" (Magdalena) and "Pedagogical Niches" program Borjas, Mónica; Jaramillo, Leonor; Osorio, Margarita
| | | | · Memories of bullying among peers in scholar life Reátiga, María Eugenia
| | | | · Adolescents in psychosocial risk and resilience Cardozo, Griselda; Alderete, Ana María
| | | | · The ethics of care. Towards the construction of new citizenships Cortés Ramírez, Dennys Andrea; Parra Alfonso, Gladys
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