Editorial |
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| · Prevention and intervention of Burnout syndrome in brain injury
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Original articles |
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| · Mental representations about the types of aggression in school children Fang Alandette, Yuly; Hoyos, Olga Lucía
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| · Learning processes and their incidence in the estudent drop out rate of the pharmaceutical chemistry program in a university of Cartagena Acosta, María del Socorro
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| · Unembodied mind: Historical and philosophical considerations of cognitive psychology Restrepo, Jorge Emiro
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| · Assertiveness and self esteem in freshmen from the health sciences faculty in a public university from the city of Santa Marta (Colombia) León Camargo, Alexander; Rodríguez Angarita, Claudia; Ferrel Ortega, Fernando Robert; Ceballos Ospino, Guillermo Augusto
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| · Evolution, brain and cognition Zapata, Luis Felipe
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| · A critical review of the literature an diverse theories and intervention programs about child autism Mebarak, Moisés; Martínez, Martha; Serna, Adriana
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| · Neuropsychological rehabilitation techniques in acq uired brain injury: External memory aids and spaced retrieval Gutiérrez Ruíz, Karol; De los Reyes Aragón, Carlos; Rodríguez Díaz, Melissa; Sánchez Herrera, Arturo
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| · Esquemas maladaptativos tempranos en pacientes diagnosticados con cáncer atendidos en tres centros oncológicos de la ciudad de Santa Marta (Colombia): Early maladaptive schemas in patients diagnosed with cancer, assisted in three oncological centres from the city of Santa Marta (Colombia) Ferrei, Robert; Peña, Angélica; Gómez, Niove; Pérez, Katriny
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