| Table of contents Psicol. caribe no.26 Barranquilla July/Dec. 2010 Editorial | | | | · Burnout: a growing syndrome Rodríguez Díaz, Melissa Alejandra
| | | Original articles | | | | · Family needs and their relationship with psicosocial functioning in caregivers of people with dementia Moreno Moreno, Jhon Alexander; Arango-Lasprilla, Juan Carlos; Rogers, Heather
| | | | · Burnout and coping strategies in teaching of primary and secondary Gantiva Díaz, Carlos Andrés; Jaimes Tabares, Steffany; Villa Orozco, Maria Clara
| | | | · Effects of a program of pedagogical intervention in aptitudes cognitivas of a sample of students of the level of transition in Barranquilla and Ciénaga (Colombia) Díaz-Granados, Fernando Iriarte; Jaramillo de Certain, Leonor; Osorio Villegas, Margarita
| | | | · Analysis of anger in patients with ischemie heart disease Ochoa Ochoa, Andrea; Herrera Vargas, Clara Isabel; Lemos Hoyos, Mariantonia; Arango Lasprilla, Juan Carlos; Rogers, Heather L.
| | | | · Characteristics of theory in conduct disorder Gómez Botero, Mónica; Arango Tobón, Eduardo; Molina González, David; Barceló, Ernesto
| | | | · Evaluation of stress and fibromyalgia impact after a self-applied cognitive-behavioral intervention González-Ramírez, Mónica Teresa; Landero-Hernández, René
| | | | · Deception before three-years-old? A view from theory of mind development Benavides Delgado, Jacqueline
| | | | · Comprehending the well-being in a person displaced by socio-political violence Buelvas, Fabián; Amaris, María
| | | | · The difficult and necessary integration between Primary Care and Mental Health in Brazil Dimenstein, Magda; Neves, Rosane; Paulon, Simone; Nardi, Henrique; Bravo, Omar Alejandro; de Medeiros Galvão, Vanessa Almira Brito; de Sousa Severo, Ana Kalliny; Figueiró, Rafael
| | | | · Analysis of the organizational system from a complexity perspective as a tool for human resources Tejada Zabaleta, Alonso
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