| Table of contents Psicol. caribe vol.30 no.1 Barranquilla Jan./June 2013 Editorial | | | | · Leadership and organizational innovation Turbay-Posada, María José
| | | Original articles | | | | · Development of the family needs assessment tool for caregivers of individuals with neurological conditions in Latin America Rivera, Diego; Perrin, Paul B.; Senra, Hugo; De los Reyes, Carlos José; Olivera, Silvia Leonor; Villaseñor, Teresita; Moreno, Alexander; Arango-Lasprilla, Juan Carlos
| | | | · Reliability and dimensionality of the AUDIT in medical students Campo-Arias, Adalberto; Villamil-Vargas, Miryam; Herazo, Edwin
| | | | · Early maladaptive schema and irrational beliefs in a group of gay men from Santa Marta, Colombia Ferrel Ortega, Fernando Robert; González Ortiz, Jennifer; Padilla Mazeneth, Yohelys
| | | | · Neuropsychological characteristics of children with specific learning disorders from Cali, Colombia Quijano Martínez, María Cristina; Aponte Henao, Mónica; Suarez García, Diana María Alejandra; Cuervo Cuesta, María Teresa
| | | | · Social representation of the psychologist in the area of health: a qualitative study in the faculty of health sciences at the university of Magdalena Gómez Plata, Maryluz; Chamorro Molina, Guisella; Obispo Salazar, Kelly; Parra Villa, Yamilena; Paba Barbosa, Carmelina; Rodríguez de Ávila, Ubaldo
| | | | · Individual and family copying strategies when facing psychological stress situations Macías, María Amarís; Madariaga Orozco, Camilo; Valle Amarís, Marcela; Zambrano, Javier
| | | | · Critical historicity of Industrial/Organizational Psychology: Towards a New Psychology of Work and Organizations García-Ramos, Tania; Díaz-Juarbe, Roberto O; Santiago-Estrada, Sara
| | | | · Changing families, parenting in crisis Moreno Carmona, Norman Darío
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