| Table of contents Psicol. caribe vol.30 no.3 Barranquilla Sept./Dec. 2013 Editorial | | | | | | | Original articles | | | | · Brand choice patterns and differential reinforcement levels in consumer products' categories Robayo Pinzón, Oscar; Ortegón Cortázar, Leonardo
| | | | · Scale of Objects for Occupational Preferences: relations with Scale of Professional Counseling (EAP) de Andrade, Regina Gioconda; Porto Noronha, Ana Paula; Ferraz de Campos, Roberta Ramazotti
| | | | · Bibliometric analysis on the concept of emotional regulation from cognitive behavioral approach: a view from the sources and representative authors Ribero-Marulanda, Sergio; Vargas Gutiérrez, Rochy M.
| | | | · Evaluation of rejection toward homosexuality in students of medicine and psychology based on three conceptually related scales Moral de la Rubia, José; Valle de la O, Adrián; Martínez Gómez, Enrique
| | | | · Parenting styles as predictors of suicidal ideation in adolescents Pérez Quiroz, Aurora; Uribe Alvarado, J. Isaac; Vianchá, Mildred Alexandra; Bahamón Muñetón, Marly Johana; Verdugo Lucero, Julio César; Ochoa Alcaráz, Sergio
| | | | · Work quality of life and leadership in administrative staff and health care personnel of an oncological center in Bogotá (Colombia) Contreras, Françoise; Espinosa, Juan C; Hernández, Fernanda; Acosta, Natalia
| | | | · Resilience, illness perception, beliefs and spiritual-religious coping and health-related quality of life in patients with rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis Quiceno, Japcy Margarita; Vinaccia, Stefano
| | | | · Narrative inquiry in psychology: definition and functions Domínguez De la Ossa, Elsy; Herrera González, José Darío
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