| Table of contents Psicol. caribe vol.31 no.3 Barranquilla Sep./Dec. 2014 Editorial | | | | · Child-parent violence: from victim to victimizer Egea Garavito, Gloria
| | | Original articles | | | | · Needs and overload on primary informal caregivers burden of patients with head injury Díaz Sosa, Dulce María; Arango-Lasprilla, Juan Carlos; Espinosa Jove, Irma Guadalupe; Rivera-Ledesma, Armando
| | | | · Anxiety indicators in dfh and personality traits in children: a validity study Batista, Marcos Antonio; Fernandes Sisto, Fermino; da Silva Sales Oliveira, Sandra Maria
| | | | · Relation between Pathological Personality Patterns and Anxiety in Psychology Students Salamanca Camargo, Yenny; Vega Morales, Astrid Magaly; Niño León, Sandra Lorena
| | | | · Metacognitive Activity in college students: a preliminary study Cantillo Anaya, Kelly; De la Hoz Molina, Ángela; Cerchiaro Ceballos, Elda
| | | | · Achievement of learning in computer environments: Self-efficacy, goals and cognitive style López Vargas, Omar; Sanabria Rodríguez, Luis Bayardo; Sanabria Español, Marlene
| | | | · The Violence of the "Anti-violence": A Criticism of the Mexican Legislation Against Gender-based Violence Christiansen, María L
| | | | · Identity and difference: from Philosophy to Psychology Lopez Calvo de Feijoo, Ana María; Moreira Protasio, Myriam
| | | | · Acculturation process and Immigrant's Adaptation: individual characteristics and Social Networks Ferrer, Raquel; Palacio, Jorge; Hoyos, Olga; Madariaga, Camilo
| | | | · Existential Analysis in school: the restriction to creative meeting Lizcano Roa, Julie Paola
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