Editorial |
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| · What terrifies us about terrorism Kleber Espinosa, Javier Mauricio; Quiroz Molinares, Nathalia
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Original articles |
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| · Quality of life of teachers from Nuevo León, México Vera Noriega, José Ángel; Bautista Hernández, Gildardo; De la Fuente, Humberto; Velasco Arellanes, Francisco Justiniano
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| · Personal characteristics and social values of urban population related to social participation Banda Castro, Ana Lilia; Morales Zamorano, Miguel Arturo
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| · Clinical indicators of personality in adolescence Benítez Barraza, Martha; Sánchez Montero, Evelyn; Serrano Ramírez, Marleyn
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| · Relationship between burnout and academic engagement with sociodemographic variables and academic Caballero D, Carmen Cecilia; Hederich G, Christian; García P, Arlington
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| · Emotional intelligence and academic performance in undergraduate students Páez Cala, Martha Luz; Castaño Castrillón, José Jaime
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| · Professional profiles of university students from the biology area and related: the interaction between course and interests Porto Noronha, Ana Paula; Pinto, Lariana Paula; Luca, Luana
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| · Relationship between the hybrid model of executive functions and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Ramos Galarza, Carlos Alberto; Pérez Salas, Claudia Paz
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| · Review of the psychometric characteristics of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (bis) through its history: From the beginning until now Chahín-Pinzón, Nicolás
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| · A critical perspective of psychosocial practices in gender violence: case Barranquilla De la Pena Leiya, Adriana Angélica
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