| Table of contents Psicol. caribe vol.34 no.1 Barranquilla Jan./Apr. 2017 Original articles | | | | · Relationship between parental sensitivity and attachment styles, personality and empathie capacity, according to sociodemographic variables Nieri, Liliana Paola
| | | | · Communication in families that accompany to patiens in the Psychiatry Clinic "Nuestra Señora del Sagrado Corazón" (Medellín-Colombia) Viveros Chavarría, Edison Francisco; Londoño Bernal, Laura Victoria; Ramírez Nieto, Luz Ángela
| | | | · Mental health in victims of armed conflict in Chengue Ramírez-Giraldo, Andrés; Hernández-Bustamante, Olga; Romero-Acosta, Kelly; Porras-Mendoza, Eduardo
| | | | · Effects of the lie on partner relations between heterosexual university youth Yáñez Canal, Humberto; Ferrel Ortega, Fernando Robert; Ortiz González, Andrea Liliana; Yáñez Canal, Gabriel
| | | | · Family functionality, number of relationships and dating violence in high school students Rey Anacona, César Armando; Bolívar Suárez, Yolima; Martínez Gómez, Jorge Arturo
| | | | · Emotion Regulation in Children and Adolescents: concepts, processes and influences Sabatier, Colette; Restrepo Cervantes, Dayana; Moreno Torres, Mayilín; Hoyos De los Rios, Olga; Palacio Sañudo, Jorge
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