| Table of contents Psicol. caribe vol.35 no.2 Barranquilla May/Aug. 2018 Original articles | | | | · Comparative analysis of the inhibitory component between the crimes of a sample of sex offenders Rangel Noriega, Kelly Johana; Mejía Orduz, Manuel Alejandro
| | | | · Theory of mind and alexithymia: emotional self-awareness and the other's face in a sample of cancer patients and contrast group Gallardo Vergara, René Rodrigo
| | | | · Identification of psychosocial risk factors at a highly complex clinic Bobadilla Suarez, Carlos Alberto; Garzón González, Luisa María; Charria Ortiz, Víctor Hugo
| | | | · Family resources to face adversity of forced displacement in Colombia Domínguez de la Ossa, Elsy Mercedes
| | | | · PARENTING IN COLOMBIA: RELEVANCE AND RESEARCH UPDATES Tilano Vega, Luz Magnolia; Londoño Arredondo, Nora Helena; Tobón Mora, Kelly Yuliana
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