| Table of contents Psicol. caribe vol.35 no.3 Barranquilla Sep./Dec. 2018 Original articles | | | | · Life satisfaction in college students: values as predictors Marques, Cátia; Taveira, Maria do Céu; Ceinos, Cristina; Silva, Ana Daniela; Nogueira, Miguel
| | | | · Rasch analysis of the WHOQOL-BREF in older adults from Bucaramanga and Manizales Rojas-Gualdrón, Diego Fernando; Díaz Gordon, Patricia; Jaramillo Ortegón, Diana Patricia; Ortega Ortiz, Martha Eugenia; Castellanos Ruiz, Julialba; González Marín, Andrea del Pilar
| | | | · Psychometric properties of the Satisfaction with Life Scale, in workers of the manufacturing industry Salazar Estrada, José Guadalupe; Gutiérrez Strauss, Ana María; Aranda Beltrán, Carolina; Ramírez Ramírez, Silvia
| | | | · Family functioning, differentiation of self and career adaptability of brazilian university students Fiorini, Milena Carolina; Patta Bardagi, Marúcia
| | | | · Organizational justice, turnover & information technology professional Geremia, Hellen Cristine; Kanan, Lilia Aparecida; Ampessan Marcon, Silvana Regina
| | | | · Differences in school anxiety according to sex and academic year in elementary school students Lagos San Martín, Nelly Gromiría; Vicent Juan, María; Gonzálvez Maciá, Carolina; Sanmartín López, Ricardo; García Fernández, José Manuel
| | | | · Normative data for the Neuropsychological Assessment Battery of Reading, Writing and Cognitive Functions (ENLEF) Schnurbusch Gallardo, Claudia Sofía; Suárez Yepes, Natalia; Ortiz Tejera, Daniela; de los Reyes Aragón, Carlos José
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