| Table of contents Psicol. caribe vol.36 no.2 Barranquilla July/Aug. 2019 Original articles | | | | · Quality of life related to health in the population victims of the armed conflict in Colombia Castañeda Polanco, Juan Gabriel; Camargo Barrero, José Antonio; López López, Wilson
| | | | · Frontal functions, working conditions and work stress: Mediation or moderation effect? A narrative review Cárdenas Niño, Lucila; Montoya Arenas, David Andrés; Aguirre Acevedo, Daniel Camilo
| | | | · Family function and Internet addiction and psychoactive substance inundergraduate students Castaño Castrillón, José Jaime; Páez Cala, Martha Luz
| | | | · Relationship between risk perception, stress and coping to extreme risks in a student community located in a volcanic threat zone Luna, Edwin Gerardo; Zambrano Guerrero, Christian; Ceballos Mora, Ana Karen; Ojeda Rosero, Elizabeth
| | | | · Family typology, hopelessness and suicidal ideation in the adolescent Garza Sánchez, Rosa Isabel; Castro Saucedo, Laura Karina; Calderón García, Sagrario Alejandra
| | | | · Differences between social support and family environment in adolescents with reports of subjective well-being Aranda Corrales, Cynthia Lorenia; Moreno Ruiz, David; Frías Armenta, Martha
| | | | · Mocking fear: gathering red noses. The role of clown art in the transformation of collective fear Estrada Atehürtüa, Carlos Esteban; Patino Gaviria, Carlos Darío
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