| Table of contents Psicol. caribe vol.37 no.3 Barranquilla Sep./Dec. 2020 Editorial | | | | · Risk perception and non-perception of COVID-19: new challenges Puerta Cortés, Diana Ximena
| | | Original articles | | | | · Personality structuring in children abandoned by their parents Acuña-Bermudez, Edgar Alfonso; Barrios Rivera, Estefania; González Galeano, Yarelis Mayru; Salas Carmona, Yorkeily
| | | | · Instrumentto Assess Existential Personal Responsibility: An Exploratory Study Tobon-Restrepo, Luis Javier
| | | | · Pro-environmental rules: Analysis based on their relevance, associated consequences, and effort to follow them Paramo, Pablo; Burbano, Andrea; Muñoz Montilla, Alba Nubia; Hernandez, Aldo; Salcedo Camelo, Claudia Margarita
| | | | · Patterns of teacher-student interaction in Colombian schools of high and low performance in sciences Valencia-Serrano, Marcela; Rojas-Ospina, Tatiana; Montes-González, Jairo Andrés; Ochoa-Angrino, Solanlly
| | | | · Quando comer não é suficiente: tríade, cuidado/educação, desenvolvimento e uso dos objetos durante as refeições em duas creches do DF Rengifo-Herrera, Francisco José; Melo-Rodrigues, Ana Paula Gomes
| | | | · Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment (FIE) basic in children with ADHD and Dyslexia Ricci, Karen; Gomes Assis, Cristiano Mauro; Nico Nogueira, Maria Angela; Seabra Gotuzo, Alessandra
| | | | · Sense of ownership in children: evolutionary bases Donato-Oliva, Angela
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