Editorial |
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| · Intimate partner violence: pwposals for care in isolation due to COVID-19 QUIROZ MOLINARES, NATHALIA; MEDINA SARMIENTO, WENDY
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Original articles |
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| · Drugs in adolescence. Cognitive and neuropsychological description model ERAZO SANTANDER, OSCAR A.
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| · Ecological Models of Development applied to the consumption of illicit drugs: a systematic review SCOPPETTA, ORLANDO; ORTIZ GARZÓN, ELIANA
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| · Labor conditions and transformations in the meanings of work in Colombian professional immigrants in Rancagua, Chile CATAÑO MENA, INGRID; ANDRADE JARAMILLO, VERÓNICA
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| · Design, reliability and validity of a self-perception scale of success for collaborators of medium-sized companies in Mexico ROBLES ACOSTA, CARLOS; HERNÁNDEZ CASTRO, SARAHI GUADALUPE
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| · Retirement and Aging: Study of Social Representations among Elderly Women BRITO, JHÉSSICA PAULA DE; ARAÚJO, LUDGLEYDSON FERNANDES DE; PEREIRA BELO, RAQUEL
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| · Optimism at work: an integrative review of brazilian and international scientific production SOUZA, JOSIELE MARIA DE; SILVA, NARBAL; TOLFO, SUZANA
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| · Differences Between Sexes in Psychopathological Variables among Adolescent Victims of Dating Violence REY ANACONA, CÉSAR ARMANDO; MARTÍNEZ GÓMEZ, JORGE ARTURO
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