| Table of contents Psicol. caribe vol.40 no.1 Barranquilla Jan./Apr. 2023 Articles | | | | · PBS-based interventions: a systematic review of experimental and quasi-experimental research Hidalgo Silva, Julieta; Argote Delgado, Manuel; Gómez Delgado, Yamile Andrea; Zambrano Guerrero, Christian Alexander; Bedoya Ríos, Nohemy Marcela
| | | | · Compulsive buying: Bibliometric review of scientific productivity from 1985 to 2020 Soto Valenzuela, Paulina; Denegri Coria, Marianela; Pérez Sánchez, Beatriz
| | | | · Description of Self-concept in patients with bipolar disorder. Delgado Reyes, Andrés Camilo; Castaño Ramírez, Oscar Mauricio; Sánchez López, Jessica Valeria
| | | | · Prevalence gender cyber-violence in engagement at two universities in Bucaramanga and Metropolitan Area. Peña Cuadros, Paula Daniela; Mahecha Angarita, Jeimmy Johanna; Redondo Pacheco, Jesús; Luzardo Briceño, Marianela
| | | | · Relations between Subjective Well-Being, Fear of Missing Out, and Use of Social Networking Henrique Martins, Gustavo; Padilha, Sandra; Goldschmidt Piazentim, Tatiana; Matteo Ambiel, Rodolfo Augusto
| | | | · Gender stereotypes as predictors of hostile and benevolent sexism in heterosexual men and woman Ávila Toscano, Jose Hernando; Rosa Gutiérrez, Gisell De La; Hernández Chang, Emilio Ariel; Navarro Barreto, Abigail; Blanquicet Genes, Rosaura
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