| Sumário Psicol. caribe vol.40 no.3 Barranquilla set./dez. 2023 Artigos | | | | · Implementation of a Program to Deal With Stress as a Strategy For Psychosocial Risk Management in a Pediatric Hospital Guerra Santacruz, Erika Marcela; Parra Rosero, Gabriel Iván; López Barreto, Lina María; Bastidas Jurado, Claudia Fernanda; Matabanchoy Salazar, Johana Madelyn
| | | | · Affective-behavioral disorders, bullying and academic performance in a pediatric population: Mental health and school experience Agudelo Hernández, Felipe; Guapacha Montoya, Marcela; Delgado Reyes, Andrés Camilo
| | | | · Cyber Dating Violence Perpetration: Prevalence, Frequency and Variables Associated in Adolescents and Young Adults Rey Anacona, César Armando; Ocampo Rojas, Eliana Marcela; Martínez Gómez, Jorge Arturo
| | | | · Theory of mind and executive functioning in children: Scientific mapping and literature review using citation network analysis Gómez-Tabares, Anyerson Stiths; Landinez-Martínez, Daniel Alfredo
| | | | · Conexão com a natureza e comportamento pró-ambiental infantil: revisão de pesquisas na América Latina Pontes Portela, Lindon Johnson; Dias Lauer-Leite, Iani; Santos De Novais, Jaílson
| | | | · Social skills and mental health in young technical and technological students González Londoño, Andrea Camila; Aguirre Rivera, Juan Camilo; Garzón Rendón, Valeria; Zuluaga Mejía, Diego; Restrepo Soto, Jaime Alberto
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